The Majority of All In-Person Communication & Visual Media is Nonverbal...
How Much are You Missing?
Analysis, Secrets, and Advice from an Expert for the Real-World
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3027: Janay Rice interview on "Today" regarding Ray Rice's Assault (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Janay Rice was interview by Matt Lauer of NBC's "Today" yesterday - and while the bulk of the interview will be aired on Monday and Tuesday, a teaser-video has been released (above).
Throughout much of this short segment, Janay Rice exhibits a partially suppressed smile. Multiple examples of these moments are captured in the images below, although they are best viewed via the dynamics of the video.
Smiling out of context is always a red flag. Many times it's something insignificant - such as hiding a joke in a socially awkward or unacceptable scenario. Yet in this setting, when she is talking about her husband/then boyfriend (Ray Rice, formerly of the Baltimore Ravens) assaulting her (infamously captured on video) - smiling, even a suppressed smile in such a context sends signals of emotional disparity - and here this disconnect is extreme. The added situation of being interviewed on national television - in an incident which has helped raised the public's consciousness of violence towards women - is even more profound.
When concealing a lie, a partially suppressed smile out of emotional context is a form of what is known as "duping delight". It is highly probable that Janay Rice is withholding information (a lie of omission) or fabricating-lying.
What are some other possible and highly significant nonverbal interpretation here (one in particular)? How can you differentiate these nonverbal diagnoses?
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3026: Michael Bublé Brings a Fan (Sam Hollyman) on Stage to Sing
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2945: Roger Goodell's Interview regarding Ray Rice - Denies NFL saw Video before Monday - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Quiz-Analysis No. 2902: How Sincere was Ray Rice's Apology?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2904: Roger Goodell's Defending the NFL's Punishment for Ray Rice - Bad Crisis Management & Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2050: George Zimmerman's Interview on Fox - Microexpression of Contempt and Duping Delight
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2855: Hillary Clinton, 2016 Presidential Race and Duping Delight - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 1706: Amanda Knox Interview after Guilty Verdict - Body Language Tells
Friday, November 28, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3026: Michael Bublé Brings a Fan (Sam Hollyman) on Stage to Sing (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
This video is from back in 2010 and it's fantastic. Even if you've seen it before, it's worth another look. Paula Hollyman gave us all a lesson in the act of asking for the things you really want - and to courage to do so. She succeeded in convincing Michael Bublé to bring her son, Sam Hollyman, on stage. Once given his chance he sang amazingly well - which has helped to launch his career.
Below is a partial body language analysis of a few key moments of the video above.
During the 1:27 mark - just as Michael Bublé hears Sam Hollyman begin to sing, Bublé displays a very brief expression of sincere disbelief (an example of a microexpression). This moment represents a few fractions of seconds of emotional-intellectual disconnect where Bublé does not believe his own ears. His incredulity is primarily expressed here by his central eyebrows elevating. His mouth is already beginning to transition to the next emotion - that of surprise.
A few fractions of a second later - Michael Bublé's face expresses sincere surprise - also the most evanescent of any emotion. Note there are no teeth visible during the instant of sincere, significant surprise crescendo. The entire width of his entire forehead is not yet fully contracted - but perhaps 60 to 70% so. Because he is rapidly transitioning to the next emotion (sincere joy-happiness), Bublé's eyes are beginning to partially close.
A few seconds later we see Bublé expressing a classic and full expression of sincere joy-happiness (Duchenne Smile) with a relaxed forehead, partially closed eyelids, a dynamic, concave-up furrow in his lower eyelids, his cheeks contracted primarily upwards and only his upper teeth visible.
This series of rapidly successive moments are an excellent example of microexpressions and the phenomenon of fast emotional flux seen in the everyday world.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3025: Vladimir Putin, Alpha Hand Signals and "The Claw"
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2386: Julia Louis-Dryfus on Conan - One Signal of Incredulity How Often Do You Miss This Body Language Signal?
Negotiation Secret No. 335 & 353: Incredulous with Contempt Amanda Knox Redux
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 1600: Senator Marco Rubio - Sincerity, Self-directed Incredulity & Humor, Blocking and Appeals for the Vice Presidency
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2897: Fifty Shades of Grey - Part II - Warning Signs & Threat Assessment
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3016: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and a Suppressed yet Sincere Smile
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2508: Anne Frank, Sincere Smiles and Emotional Comfort
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3025: Vladimir Putin, Alpha Hand Signals and "The Claw" (PHOTOS)
This image of Vladimir Putin was taken several months ago just after Russia's annexation of Crimea. Here we see great examples of two nonverbal illustrators. The Russian President's right hand is formed in what is known as "The Claw" - his hand held up with fingers forward as if he were a raptor about to grab his prey with talons. This is a considerably alpha body language illustrator - and as with most alpha nonverbal signals - if used too often, for too long a duration or out of context - it rapidly becomes hyper-alpha. Note Vladimir's face - particularly his mouth and mid-face - they are contracted - displaying considerable tension. Aggressive hand signals are very often accompanied by simultaneous or nearly simultaneous facial tension. The hands mirror the face.
Mr. Putin's left hand is held out far from his torso and forward. His palm is directed downward and it's grasping the side of the lectern. This cluster is also an alpha body language configuration - though a good amount less than "The Claw" - so it can be held for longer duration and has less chance of "back-firing with too much alpha".
Politicians will virtually always use an excessive amount of alpha body language when speaking to audiences which already share their views and/or when they are trying to engender enthusiasm - and Vladimir Putin is certainly no stranger to such scenarios.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3024: Officer Darren Wilson's Interview - Does He Feel Remorse For Killing Michael Brown?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3009: Vladimir Putin, Chivalry and China's first lady Peng Liyuan
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2942: Vladimir Putin's & Recognizing Duplicity in Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2937: Vladimir Putin - “If I want to, I can take Kiev in two weeks” and Critical Evaluation - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3014: Vladimir Putin - Odd Man Out Down Under at the G20 Summit
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2616: John Kennedy and Richard Nixon Handshake at Kennedy Inaugural Address, One Body Language Maneuver to Counter a Dominance Display
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2337: Rick Santorum at 2013 CPAC Body Language,Facial Tension & Hand Tension
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3024: Officer Darren Wilson's Interview - Does He Feel Remorse For Killing Michael Brown? (VIDEO, PHOTO)
Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown on 9 August 2014. On 24 November a grand jury reached the decision to not indict Officer Wilson. The above interview of Mr. Wilson by George Stephanopoulos was published yesterday. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis specifically addressing Darren Wilson's remorse.
At 4:35, Stephanopolous asks, "Do you feel any remorse?"
Darren Wilson answers, "Everyone feels remorse when ... a life's lost...... Like I told you before, I never wanted to take anyone's life..... You know that's not - the good part of the job - that's the bad part of the job. So yes, there is remorse."
At no time during this video does Mr. Wilson exhibit any nonverbal signs of remorse or empathy. In emotional scenarios of sincere apology as well as sincere remorse, the central forehead contracts upward (CFC or CFCU). This body language-facial expression cluster was completely absent. This is extremely profound.
This lack of nonverbal signs of sincere remorse is also consistent with Mr. Wilson's statements. For example, when Wilson says, "Everyone feels remorse when ... a life's lost" (rather than, "Yes, I feel remorse" or "I feel a great loss, even though I did my job - a human being died", etc.). Also, "So yes, there is remorse." (Again, a lack of the word "I" is exhibited here - Wilson is talking about himself in the third person). These are examples of distancing language - Wilson is speaking about himself in the third person. He feels no remorse.
In summary, Officer Darren Wilson did not feel any remorse for the killing of Michael Brown during the above interview/video. His empathy quotient is very close to zero.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3023: High Heels and Their Ability to Influencing Men's Decision Making
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2863: Gary Oldman's Apology on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" - Sincere or Insincere? - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2512: Matthew Cordle's YouTube Confession and the Death of Vincent Canzani "I Killed a Man" - What His Body Language Tells Us ... It's NOT what you think!
4:38, First time Officer Wilson says, "... remorse ...". Just as this entire video interview - no remorse or empathy is shown. His words are entirely inconsistent with his body language or his vocal qualities. No remorse and essentially zero empathy.
Second time Wilson says, "... remorse ...", at 4:51
Again, no empathy is being displayed
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2474: Mayor Bob Filner's False Smile - Insincerity, Body Language and San Diego
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2275: Lance Armstrong's Insincerity - Body Language revealed in Oprah Winfrey Interview Part III
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2945: Roger Goodell's Interview regarding Ray Rice - Denies NFL saw Video before Monday
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3023: High Heels and Their Ability to Influencing Men's Decision Making (PHOTO)
While this may come as no surprise to some, there is a very strong and direct relationship to the height of a woman's heel and her ability to influence a man's decision. While wearing heels is not magic - but it would seem that it's nearly so. Statistically, a woman wearing 2 inch heels (~5.1 cm) has a 50% greater ability to influence a man compared with another who is wearing flats - AND 4 inch heels (~ 10.2 cm) DOUBLES her ability to win-over a man's thinking. This relationship is more prominent at their first meeting and early in any business or professional scenario - and diminishes somewhat with familiarity.
Thus although it may not be healthy for the back, knees, hips or feet - any female attorney or salesperson and certainly women in many other professions - give themselves a huge professional advantage by wearing heels. This is profound leverage ladies!
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3022: Bill Cosby's Decades-Long Trademark Look - What Does It Tell Us
Romance, Marriage and Dating - Body Language Secret # 609: Going from High Heels to Flats and then back to Heels
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2860: Michelle Obama regarding the First Woman President - What Does She Really Think?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2910: Becky Hammon, First Female Full-Time NBA Assistant Basketball Coach and an Under-used Body Language Illustrator
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2551: Marina Shifrin, Woman from "I Quit" Viral Video gets Job Offer from Queen Latifah
Monday, November 24, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3022: Bill Cosby's Decades-Long Trademark Look - What Does It Tell Us? (PHOTO)
At last count there are at least 15 women who allege various levels of sexual assault to blatant rape against Bill Cosby. A comedian since the early sixties who began acting as well in 1965, he adopted a few trademark looks - one of which is pictured here. Yet what does his body language tell us?
Is this smile sincere? Absolutely not. We have become normalized and desensitized to his expression here because he is famous and has been seen on television for years.
A smile can never be sincere if the forehead is contracted - never. And although Cosby's upper eyelids are a bit droopy from age (mild age-related ptosis) his eyelids are not partially closed in active muscular contraction as is ALWAYS required when a smile is sincere.
Moreover there is no dynamic, concave-up furrowing of Cosby's lower eyelids - none at all. The absence of this crucial nonverbal signal alone precludes any sincerity of his "smile" (ergo a false-smile).
It is not necessary that any teeth be exposed in order for a smile to be considered sincere. A sincere smile can have a suppressed mouth component - yet that is not at all what's seen here. While most of Cosby's mouth is slightly concave upward - there is very little over-all upward vectoring as there would be in a fully expressed, sincere smile (Rather, most of it is directed laterally). Notice also that although the center of his mouth is mildly concave-up, the mouth corners are down-turned. In addition, Cosby's "mustache area" is tense and stretched.
Cosby's arm-gripping, arm-cross - as well as his elbows and upper arms in-close to his torso - is a very beta nonverbal cluster and not at all natural looking when attempting to smile. This added arm/hand/torso configuration is a very posed component in this over-all cluster (and thus of course posed) - it's in an attempt to say, "I am safe" - yet this directly contradicts and is betrayed by his facial expression.
In summary: In no way does this "false smile" come anywhere close to projecting sincerity. This photo is representative of Cosby's long-term acting persona - which may very be similar to or identical to his real personal - and it shouts insincerity and patronizing emotional tones. If he was not a famous actor and we were to see this expression on anyone walking down the street this expression would have a very high "Creepiness-Factor". That's not a coincidence.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3021: Barack Obama's Executive Action on Immigration - What the President's Body Language Said Before He Even Spoke
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3019: Bill Cosby, Rape Allegations, AP Interview - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2922: Evacuating Yazidis from Iraq's Mount Sinjar - A Daughter's Anguish, Empathy and Mirror Neurons
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2474: Mayor Bob Filner's False Smile - Insincerity, Body Language and San Diego
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2508: Anne Frank, Sincere Smiles and Emotional Comfort
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2957: Derek Jeter Gatorade - Made in New York Commercial - A Little Boy's Classic Surprise
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2863: Gary Oldman's Apology on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" - Sincere or Insincere?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2933: Will Hayden ("Sons of Guns") Arrested - Body Language of His Mug Shot
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3021: Barack Obama's Executive Action on Immigration - What the President's Body Language Said Before He Even Spoke (VIDEO, PHOTO)
Barack Obama of course gave an important speech Thursday night with far-reaching ramifications outlining his "Executive Action on Immigration". Of course the President displays a multitude of body language signals throughout this speech - yet upon watching it, we see a nonverbal tell before he even speaks; and as he is walking up to the lectern - one particular nonverbal dramatically jumps out.
Very briefly, during the 0:01 mark of the above video (and captured in this image), the expression on President Obama's face is very clearly one of regret.
We don't know precisely why he is thinking-feeling regret - perhaps he wishes he should have taken this action six months ago as it may have positively affect the huge losses democrats suffered in the elections earlier this month. Maybe he regretful in his anticipation of what republicans will say and do. Maybe he is feeling regret in that he felt he must take this action rather than waiting for congress to pass bill (as he said in this speech). We can go on and on with specific speculation - yet in this second before he began the speech the President felt regret.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3020: Google Celebrates Sister Corita Kent's Birthday - Recognizing a Sincere yet Suppressed Smile - Body Language Variations
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3019: Bill Cosby, Rape Allegations, AP Interview - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2725: Ted Nugent: Calls Barack Obama, "a Subhuman Mongrel"
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2408: Sen. Kelly Ayotte's Anxiety & Regret via Senators Graham & McCain - Republican Body Language in Response to President Obama's National Defense University Speech
Nonverbal Communication Quiz-Analysis No. 2869: Barack Obama's Executive Action on Immigration Reform, The Rose Garden 30 June 2014 - Sincere or Insincere?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2927: Barack Obama regarding ISIS/ISIL - Atypical for the President
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3009: Vladimir Putin, Chivalry and China's first lady Peng Liyuan
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2320: Estonian Skier Andrus Veerpalu Denies Performance Enhancing Drugs - What his Body Language Tells Us
Friday, November 21, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3020: Google Celebrates Sister Corita Kent's Birthday - Recognizing a Sincere yet Suppressed Smile - Body Language Variations (PHOTO)
Yesterday Google celebrated Sister Corita Kent's birthday on their home page. She would have been 96. The Catholic nun-turned-artist left the order in 1968 to pursue art full time. She became
well known - particularly for her silk screens as well as her activism - in
women's rights, civil rights and the anti-war movement.
In this we see all the components of a sincere smile (Duchenne Smile) - yet a suppressed one. It strikes many body language novices ironic that a person's teeth need not be exposed in order for a smile to be sincere - although they certainly can be and very often are (When the teeth are visible during a Duchenne Smile - what are the other specific requirements?).
Note the upward vectoring of her cheek muscles - causing the evanescent, concave-up furrow in the lower eyelids. Sister Corita Kent's eyelids are also partially closed - this is profoundly important and missed by most novices (don't look for crows feet - for these are too variable, not very dynamic and your brain is finely-tuned to recognize very subtle changes in another person's eyes). Additionally Sister Corita's forehead is relaxed - without any dynamic furrows (Don't make the mistake of confusing wrinkling of the forehead skin for the deeper muscular contraction).
When the requirements of a true joy-happiness smile are present - the teeth need not necessarily be exposed. Yet her suppressed mouth component in this smile is very sincere. Another obvious sign when scrutinized in this still image (and yet very commonly missed in the dynamics of real-time human interaction) - is the partial covering of her mouth/touching of her lips. If color were present in this photo, we would almost certainly see a nun blushing - and there are clues for this physiology here despite an old black-and-white, low-resolution photo (What is the relationship between blushing and smiling?).
Summary: This image of Sister Corita Kent is highly significant for someone with a high sincerity quotient. She almost certainly was blushing and embarrassed for another person in this moment (Why another person and not herself in this instant?). Her smile is sincere yet suppressed and it is not a requirement that teeth be exposed for a smile to be sincere.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3019: Bill Cosby, Rape Allegations, AP Interview - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2321: Cardinal Timothy Dolan on "Face the Nation" Problems in Catholic Church & Electing a New Pope Clergy are Not Exempt from Body Language Tells ...
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 1559: Timothy Geithner on Face the Nation
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 1870: Predicting Boxing Match Based on Body Language Confidence Levels at Weigh-In
In this we see all the components of a sincere smile (Duchenne Smile) - yet a suppressed one. It strikes many body language novices ironic that a person's teeth need not be exposed in order for a smile to be sincere - although they certainly can be and very often are (When the teeth are visible during a Duchenne Smile - what are the other specific requirements?).
Note the upward vectoring of her cheek muscles - causing the evanescent, concave-up furrow in the lower eyelids. Sister Corita Kent's eyelids are also partially closed - this is profoundly important and missed by most novices (don't look for crows feet - for these are too variable, not very dynamic and your brain is finely-tuned to recognize very subtle changes in another person's eyes). Additionally Sister Corita's forehead is relaxed - without any dynamic furrows (Don't make the mistake of confusing wrinkling of the forehead skin for the deeper muscular contraction).
When the requirements of a true joy-happiness smile are present - the teeth need not necessarily be exposed. Yet her suppressed mouth component in this smile is very sincere. Another obvious sign when scrutinized in this still image (and yet very commonly missed in the dynamics of real-time human interaction) - is the partial covering of her mouth/touching of her lips. If color were present in this photo, we would almost certainly see a nun blushing - and there are clues for this physiology here despite an old black-and-white, low-resolution photo (What is the relationship between blushing and smiling?).
Summary: This image of Sister Corita Kent is highly significant for someone with a high sincerity quotient. She almost certainly was blushing and embarrassed for another person in this moment (Why another person and not herself in this instant?). Her smile is sincere yet suppressed and it is not a requirement that teeth be exposed for a smile to be sincere.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3019: Bill Cosby, Rape Allegations, AP Interview - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2321: Cardinal Timothy Dolan on "Face the Nation" Problems in Catholic Church & Electing a New Pope Clergy are Not Exempt from Body Language Tells ...
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 1559: Timothy Geithner on Face the Nation
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 1870: Predicting Boxing Match Based on Body Language Confidence Levels at Weigh-In
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3019: Bill Cosby, Rape Allegations, AP Interview - Body Language Tells (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Bill Cosby has been accused of rape by a number of women - and two more have come forward just this week (Joan Tarshis and Janice Dickinson). The descriptions of alleged sexual assaults which these women recount are all strikingly similar.
The above video is the very end of an interview conducted by the Associated Press on 7 November 2014 in Washington, D.C. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis.
Cosby's tight, forward-directed lip-purse is highly indicative of anger as well as clandestine disagreement and/or clandestine planning. Here he also believes he is THE "alpha-dog" in the room.
Cosby's dramatic, bilateral, nostril-flaring is also indicative of a heavy component of disgust in this moment (1:24).
This image captures a greater level of anger manifested primarily by Cosby's clenched and forward thrusting jaw (what else here indicates anger?).
Disgust is also present in this moment, but less prominently than the photo above.
Cosby projects emotional dissonance several times during this interview. Here (1:55) he displays a low conventional steeple - yet also using it as a variation of a fig leaf (genital guarding).
A conventional steeple, when used sparingly (for a second or two at very strategic times, essentially choreographed) will project authority and well-measured alpha qualities. Most of those who use this (and other) dominant nonverbal(s) - excessively over use them - and Cosby is guilty of doing so during this video. Thus he projects arrogance rather than confidence. Yet, simultaneously he is covering his privates with his hands - in what is a variation of a sitting fig-leaf (aka sitting genital guarding) - telling us of a competing low confidence and beta emotion. These two emotions are competing - the alpha, actor, proud and offended - and another side of him that feels demure, beta, in need of protection and a lot less sure of himself.
At this moment (2:06) when a woman off-camera says something, his emotional tone changes (confrontational) as he says, "Ma'am?" - yet notice his hands. They have re-configured into a more protective and beta nonverbal - not only a hand-holding and even more demure pose, but his hands have moved in, closer to his groin. This moment is very telling. Crosby felt considerably threatened here.
At 2:44 when he speaks about the Associated Press, and why "we" didn't tell them that certain questions were off-limits, he not only makes another conventional steeple - but it is a high one (held higher up, here in front of his upper chest) - which amplifies his patronizing and condescending emotional tone. Moreover, he makes a chopping motion with this high-steeple - which signifies an over-the-top arrogance level. Hand chopping in the moments of refuting an accusation is highly consistent with deception.
Note Cosby's use of "we" - which is an example distancing language. Cosby also invoked others' "integrity" three times - twice directed at the interviewer and once toward AP. His vocal qualities and several other word choices were also highly consistent deception as well as an arrogant emotional tone.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3018: "Just Another Day in Russia" Viral Video - Planned Assault in a Restaurant - Threat Assessment and Body Language Warning Signals
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2897: Fifty Shades of Grey - Part II - Warning Signs & Threat Assessment
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2982: Politicians Should Never Do This If They Want To Be Elected - Hillary Clinton's Body Language Faux Pas
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2718: Obama: "I can do whatever I want" Body Language with French President François Hollande
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2952: Kmart's "Not a Christmas Commercial" - No Place for Arrogance
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2900: Lionel Messi and the Lateral Lip Purse - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2819: Erik Spoelstra, Loose Forward Lip Purse and Clandestine Disagreement
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2973: Rand Paul's Body Language Tells Us His Plan B for 2016
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3018: "Just Another Day in Russia" Viral Video - Planned Assault in a Restaurant - Threat Assessment and Body Language Warning Signals (VIDEO, PHOTO)
This video went viral a couple days ago and is allegedly from a security camera in a restaurant somewhere in Russia. From a nonverbal perspective, it could have been filmed in London, New York or Tokyo - for there is an extremely common pattern seen here, which like virtually all other body language - assault or otherwise - crosses all cultures and national borders.
This assault is atypical as it involves a large number of attackers as well as it appears to be targeting several people at one table (incidental violence to other nearby individuals in such scenarios is common though and some is seen here). The nonplussed demeanor of some people suggests they are immune because they are either involved or that they "know"/believe that as long as they keep out of the way, they will be spared (implying such activity is frequently witnessed).
Obviously most of these men appear to have ski-masks or similar garb covering their faces. This feature alone of course screams of an imminent attack. Yet the valuable take-home point here is that they're walking in a single-file line. When several individuals are about read to attack, it is extremely common that they will not walk shoulder-to-shoulder, but rather in a line. The pace of the stride in such scenarios is also typically quick - as is seen here. It is difficult to tell, but no firearms appeared to be involved in this incident - in such cases the hands will typically stay inside their pockets until the last moment when the gun is brandished (Therefore in these gun-assault cases, arms will not be swinging - compared with most of the attackers seen in this example). Such swinging arms immediately before the attack implies fists were planned rather than guns or knives.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3017: Narendra Modi, Tony Abbott and Hugs at the G20
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2500: Ft. Hood Shooter Nidal Malik Hasan and Contempt The Body Language of Threat Assessment
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2656: Threat Assessment during Robbery - Body Language of Perpetrator
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2747: Adam Lanza's Warning Sign - Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2933: Will Hayden ("Sons of Guns") Arrested - Body Language of His Mug Shot
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2863: Gary Oldman's Apology on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" - Sincere or Insincere? - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3010: McStay Family Murders - Body Language Signs of a Sociopath
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3017: Narendra Modi, Tony Abbott and Hugs at the G20 (PHOTOS)
Here we see Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Tony Abbott hugging last week at the G20. In three photos taken from different angles in rapid sequence we can dissect the relative thought-feelings of each man during this hug/Abrazo.
In the top two images Modi's hand is cupped - preventing full palmar contact with the Australian's back - while Abbott's palm makes full contact. Abbott's hand also contacts for a longer duration.
Modi' is also "leaning into" the hug more while Abbott is standing with straighter back.
Abbott's eyelids are closed for part of the hug, while Modi's eyelids remain open.
In the final image it can be seen that Modi's disengages from the embrace quicker with the beginnings of a turning away/rotation of his torso.
Thus while this hug is certainly not the same kind of embrace seen with greater levels of intimacy, and is not meant to suggest so (e.g., The handshake which initiated this greeting is maintained during the hug and therefore keeps a greater distance between them) - there is still disparity in the level of affection displayed here - which is profoundly valuable to recognize. Mr. Abbott's eyelid closure, standing straighter during the hug, hugging for longer duration and his full palmar contact - vs. a lack of all these shown by Mr. Modi - tells us that Mr. Abbott trusts Mr. Modi, is emotionally comfortable with him and is generally more open in the context of leadership - while Mr. Modi is relatively diminished in these feelings towards Mr. Abbott and/or Australia.
Of course their body language disparity could be due to Mr. Modi's relative lack of exposure on the World stage vs. Mr. Abbott who has been at the game a bit longer .... or it may be for other reasons. It is, however, NOT due to their cultural differences and it is also NOT because Mr. Abbott is trying hard to be a good host (the G20 was held in Brisbane, Australia). It will be interesting to see how the relationship between these two men and their countries changes during their administrations.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3016: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and a Suppressed yet Sincere Smile
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3014: Vladimir Putin - Odd Man Out Down Under at the G20 Summit
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2511: Barack Obama & Vladimir Putin Handshake at 2013 G20 Meeting
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3012: Tony Abbott No Shirtfronts Vladimir Putin at APEC - (yet he buttons-up) - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2771: Australian PM Tony Abbott regarding Malaysian Airlines MH370 Search - Body Language Misinterpretations and Regret
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2260: 'Top Chef' host Padma Lakshmi regarding New Delhi's recent gang-rape, Indian Culture and Sexual-Physical Harassment - Body Language Nuance
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2980: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Thinks Women Should Not Ask for Raises and should Trust in Karma
Body Language,
Emotional Comfort,
Eyes Closed,
Narendra Modi,
Nonverbal Communication,
Palm of Hand,
Palmar Contact,
Tony Abbott
Monday, November 17, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3016: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and a Suppressed yet Sincere Smile (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway were guests recently on The Graham Norton Show promoting their new film, Interstellar. In the above video of that appearance, there are several great nonverbal moments as Anne Hathaway recounts her conversation with Christopher Nolan (Director of Interstellar) - one of which is analyzed here.
The image below is taken from the 0:50 mark, where for about 1.5 seconds, McConaughey displays a sincere, yet suppressed smile.
A sincere smile must always have a relaxed (uncontracted) forehead, eyelids which are partially closed and dynamic, concave-up creases of the lower eyelids - all of which are present in this moment. Ironic to many, the mouth-component of a sincere smile can be variable. Here McConaughey displays a unilateral mouth smile component with closed lips - not a single tooth is showing (If teeth were showing, what features would have to be present for it to still be a true smile?).
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3015: Jonathan Gruber on Obamacare - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2971: Not Giving Good Actors an Easy Pass - Interstellar Trailer - When the Body Language is Not Congruent with Real Life
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2191: Anne Hathaway's Impersonation of Katie Holmes on SNL - "Norming" Katie and Variations on a Theme
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2740: Matthew McConaughey Tells Us What He REALLY THINKS about the Motion Picture Academy - Body Language, Ear Screws and Deception
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2399: Matthew McConaughey on David Letterman and a Very Common Body Language Tell
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2322: Jeb Bush & Matt Lauer - Which one is the Narcissist? Body Language Red Flags
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3015: Jonathan Gruber on Obamacare - Body Language Tells (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Jonathan Gruber certainly has supplied a great deal of fodder for those who oppose Obamacare. It has recently come to public attention that, with respect to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, he's on record for saying, "... It's a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter ..." (Honors Colloquium 2012, University of Rhode Island) as well as, "... They proposed it and that passed, because the American people are too stupid to understand the difference ..." (Washington University, 2013) in addition to the similar and related quotes mentioned below.
Gruber is a MIT economist and "He was a key architect of both the 2006 Massachusetts health care reform, sometimes referred to as 'Romneycare', and the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, sometimes referred to as 'Obamacare' " (Wikipedia). For his work on Obamacare, Mr. Gruber was paid $400,000.
Intertwined fingers is one example of what is known in body language terminology as a Manipulator, Adaptor or Pacifier (MAP) - a variety of self-touching. When evaluating any nonverbal signal - it is profoundly important to never interpret them in isolation - look at the whole person. Many novices will tell you that intertwined fingers are a sign of significant stress and anxiety - which is certainly true sometimes - yet Mr. Gruber shows us an exception here when we take the time to look with a wider and more objective lens.
Note that Johnathan Gruber bends one of his wrists during each of these intertwined finger configurations isolated from the above video. This body language cluster is highly significant - for it tells us that he has a very high degree of emotional comfort with his statements - he may or may not be factually correct - but he absolutely believes what he is saying here (e.g. The stupidity of the American Voter, Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage, etc.).
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3014: Vladimir Putin - Odd Man Out Down Under at the G20 Summit
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2578: Obamacare Website Apology - Sincere vs. Insincere?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2604: Obamacare Girl "Adrianna" on GMA - Body Language Harbingers of ....
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2596: What Motivates Ted Cruz's Regarding Anti-Obamacare, Body Language Tells on Jay Leno
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2597: Chris Christie's Body Language Tell Regarding Obamacare
".... Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage ..."
0:37 - 0:38
"... call it the stupidity of the American Voter or whatever ..."
"... it's the second best argument ..."
0:46 - 0:48
"... look I wish Mark was right, we could make it all transparent - but I'd rather have this law than not ..."
0:49 - 0:52
"... like his reporter story, yeah, ya know there's thing about it I wish I could change, but I'd rather have this law than not ..."
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