The Majority of All In-Person Communication & Visual Media is Nonverbal...
How Much are You Missing?
Analysis, Secrets, and Advice from an Expert for the Real-World
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Negotiation Body Languge Secret # 361:
Conrad Murray's Fingers and Nostrils
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 617:
Ginger White and Herman Cain
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 457:
A Contempt Amplifier
Monday, November 28, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 719:
When to Stand with Your Feet Together
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 441:
Bill Clinton's Rapport and His Temporary Universe
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 361:
Another Bonding Adjunct During Laughter
The shoulder or arm touch is a similar bonding adjunct. This nonverbal is seen commonly with both sexes. Discretion must be exercised though, so as to avoid evoking patronizing feelings. In some contexts this body language will back fire - and you may rapidly "Un-bond".
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 337:
Low Confidence Stance
Friday, November 25, 2011
Body Language Secret # 355:
A Signal of Physical Pain
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 515:
Huntsman's Skeptical Eyebrow
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 501:
Bonding and Rapport Facilitators - The Laughing Lean
Monday, November 21, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 705: R2E2,
Pseudo-Smiles and Bonding Beguiles
Often times there is a component of the R2E2 that's directed at oneself just as much (or more), than what's focused on others. When you see this nonverbal, rationalization is taking place - often because full confidence is lacking - and thus often a component of manipulation is occurring.
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 26: Hugh Grant's Cheeks - Body Language
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 357:
Mila Kunis and Sergeant Scott Moore
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 703:
Putin Pulling his Puppet
This photo is for anyone who doubts who is the real puppet master. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is very obviously angry at his President Dmitry Medvedev - but let's dissect this photo. Always the alpha dog, Putin is red-faced. The Russian President's distended veins (most obviously on his left temple) indicate an (unconscious) valsalva maneuver. Both of these nonverbal signs are consistent with a momentary increase in blood pressure and decreased venous return - ergo in this context, anger. Additionally, his head is tilted down, while his eyebrows are pulled together and lowered - all body language cues for anger. Another indication of this emotion is Vladimir's mid-face tightening - particularly to the sides of his nose, and also (although it's difficult to tell from this angle) nostril dilation. Finally Mr. Putin's jaw is jutting forward. Put all these signals together and they constitute a body language "Cluster" of anger. If we were in this meeting - we'd love to know what he was saying - but we wouldn't really have to, because we'd know what he was feeling.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 757:
Asma's Mild Jaw Jut
Friday, November 18, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 801:
Mirroring Down Under
This photo was taken during an Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Honolulu, Hawai'i. In it we see demonstrated a great example of "Mirroring" of U. S. President Barack Obama by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. We tend to mirror those we like and/or respect - and the vast majority of the time this is done subconsciously. Deliberate and conscious mirroring can be a way of building rapport with another, but you must be very careful not to mirror too simultaneously or too precisely - lest your behavior becomes obvious and it backfires. Another potential disaster with mirroring, is that you could mimic a negative nonverbal without knowing it. Ouch!
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 881:
Two Contradictory Signals
which Always Indicates Negative Emotion
This is James Arthur Ray, aka "The Sweat Lodge Guru" upon learning he was found guilty for negligent homicide in the deaths of three of his client/followers and sentenced to two years in prison. His facial expression is very inconsistent with a person who is remorseful of wrongdoing. We can clearly see mild to moderate wrinkling on his central upper forehead area, indicating muscle contracture - however the peripheral (outer) forehead is relaxed. This is a extremely common and virtually required nonverbal signal see when someone is experiencing emotional or physical pain. This pain may be directly experienced or sensed via empathy.
So far this is what we would expect - however, notice his mild smile. This is extremely inconsistent with physical or emotional pain of any type. When these two contradictory signs are seen together - red flags should be dramatically raised and all alarms sounded. Be warned! - It is extremely common to see these particular contradictory beacons without any negative verbal indicators (e.g. good words with negative body language). So in such situations, there is rotten behavior afoot. This combination is always a signal of a negative emotion, at the very least strong insincerity or contempt. In the context as we see it displayed here, this body language is highly suggestive of a sociopath or psychopathic tenancies.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 387:
Extended and Interwoven Fingers
This is United States Senator and former Presidential Candidate, John Kerry, D-MA. He is pictured here during a recent meeting of the "Super Committee" (The United States Congress Joint Selection Committee on Deficit Reduction). He is one of its twelve members.
The tension in his mid-face, the thinning of the lips, the clenching of Kerry's jaw and the lowering of his eye brows are all consistent with anger. I want to draw your attention to his hands however. Notice his fingers are intertwined and extended. This is a great nonverbal tell of stress. When the fingers are extended and interwoven in this fashion - there is a significant component of anxiety present (Navarro). In an interview or meeting setting, it is very likely that the question which was just asked or the issue which was just raised - evoked this anxiety. You would be well advised to slow down the conversation, dig deeper and use the Socratic method to get to the root of this great body language tell.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 771:
Many Signals Steeple on the Super Committee
This is an excellent Body Language photo of the four of the Congressional "Super Committee" members (United States Congress Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction). Most notable here and in most in focus is Rep. Fred Upton R-MI (light colored shirt and only one not in a suit jacket). His hands (and eyes) are in sending several messages in a group of simultaneous gestures.
- Strong disapproval, and perhaps thoughts he (and others) believe he (they) are hearing deception
- Negative/frustrated/defensive emotions and/or impatience
- Confidence (but not overly confident)
- True thought and contemplation
- A "wishing away" (psychological blocking)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret 731:
Super Mario Monte's Dominant Spider
This is Mario Monte, aka "Super Mario". He's the Yale educated, Italian economist, politician, Bocconi University President and adviser to Goldman Sachs, who's been asked to step in as the Italian Prime Minister after Silvio Berlusconi's recent resignation. The gesture he's using here is what I call "The Dominant Spider". Like other palm-down gestures, it sends a message of authority and dominance. Palm down gestures should be used very sparingly and as the vast majority of the audience will feel patronized. "Overly Alpha Males" (and females) tend to use palm down gestures in excess. Such personalities do not lend themselves to negotiation or compromise (See Negotiation Secret # 702).
Monday, November 14, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 665:
A Strong Sign of Insincerity
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 349:
Pointing with Two Fingers (or more)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 373:
Papademos, Greece and Eyelids
Pictured above is Lucas Papademos, the New Prime Minister of Greece. Notice his eyelids are both partially closed, but his left is closed a bit more. This is a fantastic tell of a negative judgement and/or a skeptical opinion. You can almost hear him rendering a negative statement here - and yet it's incredible how often people will speak positivity about a person and/or issue and use this expression. Duplicitous! Now of course, the Prime Minister may very well had making a negative declaration in this moment - and if he was, this facial body language is completely expected. However...if you see another use this facial nonverbal tell - but they speak glowingly - believe their body language, not their words. Watch out!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Negotiation and Leadership Secret # 415:
When is it Appropriate
for a President to Stand in the "Fig-leaf"?
Yesterday, Veterans Day in the U.S., President Obama attended a ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery. Here is is pictured at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The President is standing with his hands-clasped in this very familiar "Fig-Leaf" formation. While the fig-leaf usually is a signal of low confidence - in some contexts it certainly indicates other emotions. One is respect and another is reverence. These are two leadership-appropriate messages a President or Head of State should desire to convey using the fig-leaf.
Negotiation Secret # 217:
Predicting a Fight (Boxing) based on Body Language
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 347:
Joe Paterno's Regret
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 346:
Rick Perry Forgets:
8 Republican Presidential Hopefuls Debate in Detroit -
60 seconds of Oops, Body Language and Empathy
Last Night the 2012 Republican Presidential hopefuls had another debate in Rochester, Michigan. This video clip will no doubt be shown for years to come as to what not to do in a debate. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it now - it's only 60 seconds long. There's some good, bad, and ugly and very useful body language lessons here.