Saturday, November 8, 2014

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3007: Man Flags Down Reporter, Confesses to Shooting, Carjacks Reporter's Vehicle, then Crashes it into a Gasoline Tank - Smiling Out of Context (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

In a recent bizarre occurrence out of Australia, reporter Peter Steer was on his way to cover a shooting when the suspect (Jule Brook) flagged him down. Initially unaware of who Brook was, the man then tearfully confessed to the shooting. Yet in a few moments his temperament changed and he then carjacked Steer's vehicle. Shortly thereafter he crashed it into a gasoline tank and tried to acquire a cigarette lighter - apparently with the intent of some impromptu arson activity before police could stop him.

The image below was taken as Mr. Jule Brook was entering and stealing Steer's vehicle. Note that his expression is one of a sincere, but suppressed smile. Smiling, even when partial or suppressed - if there are elements of sincerity present in such an out-of-context scenario - this should always raise concerns (when the smile is suppressed as it is in this and similar scenarios - it's akin to the psychology of duping delight). Of course Brook had just confessed to a shooting (in which he believed he had committed a murder, although his victim survived). Blood was literally on his hands and he had been crying a moment before. Now with the same gun he allegedly used in the first crime, announces his full intent to steal Steer's ride - and his expression has changed to a suppressed, sincere smile. This extreme emotional volatility is also another highly significant red flag.

Take home point: Learn to recognize sincere smiles and always beware of smiling out of context

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3006: Charles "Chase" Merritt - Arrested and Charged with Murder of the Entire McStay Family

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2769: Smiling Out of Context in a Mass Shooter - T.J. Lane's Body Language 

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2972: Rachel Respess, Destrehan High School Teacher Arrested and Smiling Incongruent with Emotional Context

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2997: Halloween Haunted Houses - Transitioning from Expressions of Surprise

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2991: Gavin Siem flags down Grant County Deputy Dustin Canfield - Body Language Tells

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2451:  Jennifer Psaki, Egypt and Smiling Out of Context

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2508: Anne Frank, Sincere Smiles and Emotional Comfort
