Last week, the New York Times released a six and a half minute surveillance video of Stephen Paddock.
Paddock killed 58 people and injured 851 others perpetrating a mass shooting in Las Vegas on 1 October 2017.
Channel 13 KTNV (Las Vegas) recently asked me to analyze the video from a behavioral and body language perspective.
Included above is my extended interview regarding Paddock's behavior displayed in this particular NYT-released video (included below) in the days leading up to the shooting.
Thursday was Hope Hicks' last day as the White House Director of Communications. She had served at this post for approximately six and a half months - and another month as acting Director.
The video above shows her saying goodbye to President Trump just prior to his departure on Marine One. While the nonverbal elements in this brief exchange are numerous - the one highlighted here, while not as dramatic, is quite telling.
The instant captured in the image above (and the cropped-close up below, during the 0:09 mark in the above video) shows Donald Trump with his left arm around Ms. Hicks' waist, waving at the camera with his right hand - and smiling.
But wait - that's not really a smile.
Notice the left corner of Trump's mouth is elevated, while the right side is vectored downward. Such asymmetrical "smiles" - with one side up and the other side down - are always duplicitous. They're universally insincere.
Yet, even if the President's right side exactly mirrored the left side of his face - it would still not be a sincere smile, for all the other components of sincerity are missing in this moment (Can you name them?). Moreover, at no time during this departure did President Trump display a true smile of Joy-Happiness (aka a Duchenne Smile).
Fascinatingly, the side of the President's mouth which is feigning joy - is the same side as Ms. Hicks.
Summary: As he says his final goodbye to Hope Hicks, President Trump's expression is insincere. His "smile" and emotions are duplicitous.
Boris Karpichkov is a former KGB spy. Here, his interview is included in light of the recent poisoning in Salsbury, UK. Mr. Karpichkov said he was warned that he, Sergei Skripal, and Skripal's daughter, Yulia - were in all in danger. A portion of Karpichkov's interview is included in the above video. What follows is a highlight/analysis of one particular nonverbal signal.
Beginning at 1:48, Boris Karpichkov says, "Yes - he is - he's still - the undercover - senior field officer - of Russia - secret service called FSB..."
During 1:51, as he speaks the word "... field ...", Mr. Karpichkov displays a classic microexpression of contempt (in the image captured immediately above). Watch the video carefully - focusing on his left, mid-face - at regular speed, and again at 1/2, and then at 1/4 speeds.
may also notice Karpichkov's partial (left) eyelid closure - for while
this specific action is not a required component of contempt - it may
act as a contempt amplifier (as we see in this example).
Channel 13 KTNV Las Vegas recently asked me to analyze the video released last week by the New York Times showing surveillance of Stephen Paddock.
Paddock was the perpetrator of the 1 October 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas in which he killed 58 and injured 851. The surveillance video analyzed is included here (immediately above).
The image above shows Stephen Paddock, despite being alone in an elevator - felt the need to back into a corner (something he did on multiple occasions). Moreover, he chooses the corner where the camera would show the back/top of his head - rather than exposing his face.
With or without the presence of the camera, this behavior is substantially beta - revealing the need for defensiveness and protection. While it certainly does not show aggression or a predilection toward violence, it is out-of-context.
Immediately above, we see Stephen Paddock in a low-resolution image with the crucial facial expression of an:
• Elevated Central Forehead Contraction (Elevated CFC)
Simultaneous with a:
• Partial (Insincere) Mouth Smile
As I mentioned in the interview, every healthy human being makes this expression OCCASIONALLY - when they're feeling:
It's important to point out that all three of these emotions have other facial expressions with which they are more commonly manifested. And while normal, emotionally healthy individuals will make this expression from time-to-time - those people who make this expression often (about 4% of the population) will have:
Not coincidentally, these are also two of the primary pillars of Sociopathic Individuals (those with Antisocial Personality Disorder).
Rodney Alcala is sometimes referred to as the "Dating Game Killer". The above image of his (Elevated) Central Forehead Contraction together with a Partial (Insincere) Mouth Smile was a screen grab from his appearance on The Dating Game TV show in 1978. This television broadcast occurred while he was in the midst of a killing spree.
Alcala is a serial rapist and murderer who has been compared to Ted Bundy. He's been convicted of seven murders - but his true victim count remains unknown.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with the same Elevated Central Forehead Contraction combined with a Partial (Insincere) Mouth Smile.
Bruce McArthur is a serial killer - murdering at least six men in the Toronto, Canada area. The landscaper-gardener has a history of dismembering his victims and burying portions of their bodies' in planters and private gardens.
Martin Shkreli (here testifying to Congress) displays yet another CFC + Mouth 'Smile'. Mr. Shkreli, (sometimes sarcastically known as 'Pharma Bro') "is an American businessman, former hedge fund manager, and convicted felon. In September 2015, Shkreli received widespread criticism when Turing Pharmaceuticals (where he was CEO) obtained the manufacturing license for the antiparasitic drug Daraprim and subsequently raised the price by a factor of 56 ($13.50 to $750 per pill), leading him to be referred to by the media as 'the most hated man in America' and 'Pharma Bro'. Shkreli was convicted of two counts of securities fraud and one count of conspiring to commit securities fraud in August 2017, and was sentenced in March 2018 to seven years in federal prison and to $7.4 million in fines." (Wikipedia)
The Elevated Central Forehead Contraction with a Partial (Insincere) Mouth Smile is a default expression of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Indeed, this is one of Putin's 'Living Masks'.
Stormy Daniels' (Stephanie Clifford's) interview on 60 minutes aired on Sunday night25 March 2018. Her attorney, Michael Avenatti had Tweeted the following statement earlier that same day:
Thus, the whole interview was not broadcasted nor is it (at the time of this writing) available in its entirety online. However, based on her nonverbal, verbal, and paralanguage behavior of what is available during this 60 minutes interview, Stormy Daniels/Stephanie Clifford was telling the truth throughout the duration of this exchange. Specifically, at no time did she give any indication of deception - and her sincerity quotient was high.
The only abnormal finding regarding Ms. Daniels/Clifford was the size of her pupils. These were extremely dilated (9.5 - 10.0 mm in diameter). This is particularly noteworthy because the camera lights were quite bright. The etiology of this bilateral pupillary dilation - showing no reaction to bright light is most probably due to the result of systemic or topical medication/drugs. Disease, Trauma, and Surgical complications, while possible, are extremely unlikely.
Of course, we did not conduct a neurological exam, blood testing, etc. - so we can't be 100% sure, but if Ms. Daniels/Clifford were under the influence of systemic medication - enough to dilate her pupils this dramatically - we would expect to see other symptoms/findings/behaviors consistent with such usage.
What is a more likely a cause of bilateral pupillary dilation - particularly with pupils this widely dilated - in the context of otherwise normal behavior - is that Ms. Daniels/Clifford self-administered dilating eye drops (such as Atropine, Scopolamine, Phenylephrine, Tropicamide, Homatropine, and/or Cyclopentolate) in an effort to make herself more physically attractive and photogenic. A similar practice - although fraught with side effects (some serious and even life-threatening - e.g., a rapid heart rate) - for centuries has been practiced by women of some cultures (e.g., Renaissance Italy, parts of the Ottoman Empire, etc.). They dilated their pupils using an extract from the berries of Atropa belladonna in their pursuit of beauty.
It's also possible that Ms. Daniels/Clifford's ophthalmologist dilated her eyes as part of a routine examination prior to this event. In the context of such a profoundly important interview however, this is quite doubtful.
It's crucial to point out that if Ms. Daniels/Clifford were under the influence of any systemic medications with Brain/Central Nervous System effects (the eyes are part of the Central Nervous System) - this would have made any attempt at deception easily discernible (e.g., Think of the obviousness of a person who's intoxicated). Because Ms. Daniels/Clifford's nonverbal, verbal, and paralanguage behavior showed no evidence of deception - as well as her other normal behaviors - this indicates with high confidence (yet does not prove) that her large pupillary dilation was secondary to the use one of the eye drops listed above.
Sometimes, cosmetic contact lenses may be fashioned so as to give the appearance of larger pupils, and although Ms. Daniels/Clifford is wearing contacts - viewing with the modest resolution of this video, they appear to be conventional contact lenses for a routine refractive error.
Although there were many, one of Ms. Daniels'/Clifford's nonverbal displays which carries a high degree of sincerity occurred during 0:33 - 0:34, as she says, "... And then he leaned aroundand looked at my daughter ...", Ms. Daniels/Clifford leans her torso, while twisting/turning her head and neck - as she is recounting the actions of the man who she said had confronted and threatened her in a parking lot in Las Vegas.
Such physical/body language mirroring of her verbal description is highly consistent with her re-living the event. It indicates honesty - and suggests a higher empathy quotient. It also indicates she's more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress from this threat. This display would also be an action which would be much less likely if the cause of her pupillary dilation were from a systemic drug(s) (other than eye drops).
Another of the many sincerity tells came at the end of the interview at the end of the interview, when Anderson Cooper asks, "The President watches 60 Minutes. If he's watching tonight, what would you say to him?"
Stormy Daniels/Stephanie Clifford responded, "He knows I'm telling the truth." During this short sentence, Ms. Daniels/Clifford displayed a Self-Righteous Head Wiggle (2:07 - 2:08).
"Self-Righteous Head Wiggle" (aka "High Confidence Head Wiggle") is a typically relatively rapid, side-to-side movement of the head and neck. On occasion, this movement may also involve the torso - and even a similar motion of the jaw.
The duration of a Self-Righteous Head Wiggle is sometimes quite short (thus a microexpression or near-microexpression) but other times it lasts much longer.
As its name describes, the Self-Righteous/High Confidence Head Wiggle is indicative of emotions of self-righteousness and high confidence - displayed by individuals during hyper-alpha moments - who are far from their emotional baseline - but who are NOT being deceptive. It's a form of sincere, nonverbal confidence-swagger. Please view the video, as the SRHW/HCHW can't be captured with an image.
Summary: Stormy Daniels'/Stephanie Clifford's nonverbal, verbal, and paralanguage behavior indicate she was telling the truth during her 60 minutes interview. Most importantly, this indicates that her allegations of a confrontation and the physical threat made against her - didactually occur.
This is a reposting of an analysis originally published on 1 August 2016 (a little more than three months prior to the Presidential Election). The subject of this article is Donald Trump's and Russian President Vladimir Putin's relationship. More specifically, did then-candidate Trump know President Putin?
Updated cross-references at the bottom of the page, the title, and one word ("was" rather than "is") has been changed. The word "verbal" has been added and two added commas have been placed. Otherwise, the remainder of the content is unchanged.
There are many crucial moments in this video. One of particular importance is the issue of any possible relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
Beginning at 2:16, George Stephanopoulos asks the Republican Candidate for President: "What exactly is your relationship with Vladimir Putin?"
Trump answers: "I have no relationship with Putin. I have no relationship with Putin."
Now, listen again carefully to Trump's response. In his first sentence, as he says the word "relationship", he stretches out his "r" pronunciation. Also, at the end of the word he stutters so that the word sounds like "... rrelationship,ip ...".
Of paramount importance, in his second sentence - Trump's speech trails off when he says, "Putin". The word is spoken much quieter than the other words in the sentence and also when compared to Trump's overwhelming pattern of talking louder than other people around him. Moreover, within speaking that single word, ("Putin") his volume is decrescendoing - subsequently, the end of the word "Putin" can barely be heard.
As he says, "with Putin" in the second sentence, Trump breaks his eye contact with Stephanopoulos. The timing of his looking away is crucial because he is making a declarative statement with the subject of his sentence (Putin) as well as the volume patterns mentioned previously.
Moreover, Trump also looks down to his right. When a momentary drop of eye contact does occur during deception, this is the quadrant to which most right-hand dominant people will most often look (Trump is right-handed).
To review, we see the following behavior clustered during Trump's short answer:
1. Stuttering during word "relationship"
2. Decrescendo/rapidly waning volume with a crucial word ("Putin")
A. Atypical pattern vs. rest of sentence
B. Atypical speech pattern for Trump
3. Lack of eye contact during a "Putin"
4. Looking down to the right during "with Putin"
Summary: Donald Trump has a hesitancy to speak both the words, "relationship" - as well as "Putin". He also does not want to look Stephanopoulos in the eye when he says, "Putin". Donald Trump is exhibiting an absolutely classic cluster of paralanguage and nonverbal behaviors which are disparate with his words. Donald Trump believes he has a relationship with Vladimir Putin - and his belief is contradictory with his verbal statement which he made during this interview. Donald Trump was lying.
The next time Steven Spielberg is directing a scene in which an actor is telling a lie - he should look to this example.
This is the second analysis of Cambridge Analytica's, now suspended CEO, Alexander Nix (see: Body Language Analysis No. 4240: Cambridge Analytica's Alexander Nix [Part I]). You're probably familiar with the undercover video released recently shows him discussing the use of potential bribery and sexual entrapment. However, prior to his suspension, Mr. Nix gave an interview with the BBC's Emily Maitlis. A segment of this interview is included above. Nix displays an incredible amount of tells throughout the video - and what follows is but a partial analysis - a focus his second spoken paragraph.
EMILY MAITLIS (beginning at 0:29): 'Cause he says that the data came not just from using the apps - but from a far wider circle of friends - or their contacts - gave you status updates, likes, personal messages. So from touching two hundred thousand people - you expanded into their entire social networks which scaled you to most of America.
ALEXANDER NIX (beginning at 0:50): Well, look - I think it's very important to understand what, what happened back in two thousand fourteen - is a, a, a very respectable academic ah, ah, who, who said that he had the wherewithal, the legitimate and legal wherewithal to collect data on Facebook users - ah, that we might be able to use in part of our modeling.
During 0:54, As Mr. Nix says "Two Thousand Fourteen", both of his upper eyelids open widely. What is so important about these particular words, "Two Thousand"? Nothing - this lid opening is dramatic and out of context. Such melodramatic misdirection is a common epiphenomenon of the anxiety which accompanies deception.
During 0:55, just before he says, "... a, a, a very respectable academic ah, ah, who, who ...", Alexander Nix displays a Loose Tongue Jut.
A loose tongue jut is an indication (Navarro) of the thought-emotions of:
• I've been bad
• I've done a stupid thing
• I've been caught
Only a second after his loose tongue jut, during 0:56 just as he says, "is", Mr. Nix displays a Unilateral Eyebrow Elevation (on HIS right side, our left). Raising one eyebrow is a universal display of doubt/disbelief. He does this very quickly - and he goes on to repeat this microexpression many times throughout this interview. The image immediately above shows this moment (note the height of his eyebrow compared with the frame of his glasses relative to the two previous images), but please take the time to watch this exchange so that you see this in context.
It's important to make the distinction that Nix raises both eyebrows many times as well (what does this behavior signal?).
Another nonverbal signal Mr. Nix displayed numerous times throughout this interview was a Unilateral Shoulder Shrug (a type of a Partial Emblematic Slip). A good example of this can be seen during 1:00 - 1:02, as he said, "... ah, ah, who, who said that he had ..." - as he repeatedly and rapidly raises his left shoulder.
Unilateral Shoulder Shrugging also signals doubt and disbelief. This is a strong signal that the suspended Cambridge Analytica CEO doesn't believe his own words.
Again, because this nonverbal is a motion phenomenon, it must be viewed in the dynamic context of the video.
Summary: This second analysis of Alexander Nix agrees strongly with the first, exemplifying numerous nonverbal signals of deception.
BBC Journalist, Steve Rosenberg recently asked Russian President Vladimir Putin, "Is Russia behind the poisoning of Sergei Skripal?" What follows is a partial analysis of President Putin's nonverbal response.
The above image of Vladimir Putin (from 0:02 in the above video) shows the Russian President with an Elevated Central Forehead Contraction - simultaneous with a partial (mild/subtle) mouth smile.
This is an expression every healthy and psychologically normal person displays (just not very often). It's significant for the emotions of:
• Arrogance (we're all allowed to feel arrogant once in a while, but hopefully not too often)
• Contempt (again, on occasion we all feel contempt, but hopefully it's a rare experience)
• Disbelief (more specifically, a Smug-Disbelief with Impatient-Dismissal)
It's crucial to point out, that the emotions of arrogance, contempt, and disbelief all may be conveyed by other facial configurations.
However, a relatively small fraction of the population (approximately 4%) displays this expression frequently - those individuals with a combination of:
• Low (or nonexistent) Empathy
combined with
• Low Sincerity Quotients (e.g., those individuals who are not necessarily lying IN THAT MOMENT - but they have a strong tendency toward deception
People with low Empathy Quotients combined with low or absent Sincerity - are characteristics common to Sociopaths/Psychopathy (Antisocial Personality Disorder [APD]).
This particular facial expression - an Elevated Central Forehead Contraction with a simultaneous Mild Mouth Smile (often partially suppressed) -WHEN DISPLAYED CHRONICALLY - has an extremely high correlation with Sociopathy/Psychopathy/Antisocial Personality Disorder.
This is one of President Putin's default facial expressions - essentially it's a Living Mask.
A moment later in this same video, President Putin displayed both Disgust and Contempt. This is a remarkably telling moment - for these were his real feelings, which leaked through his mask.
Contempt - displayed above during 0:14
Disgust being displayed during 0:16
A Very similar phenomenon occurs when actors come out of character: Actors were pretending - but once they stop acting, their real emotions are suddenly exposed - and for a brief moment, these released emotions are often hyperbolic (and can't be masked).
When the emotions of Contempt, Disgust, and/or Anger are temporally juxtaposed (as we see here) with the Elevated Central Forehead Contraction/Partial Mouth Smile Expression - a profoundly Dangerous Red Flag has been raised. You're in Danger.
Summary: President Vladimir Putin's CHRONIC display (a living mask) of the specific facial expression of an elevated central forehead contraction with a partial/subtle mouth smile (first image, above) has an extremely high correlation with low (or absent) empathy combined with low (or absent) sincerity (chronic deceptive tendencies) - as well as a very high likelihood of Sociopathy/Psychopathy/Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Cambridge Analytica, the data analytics company now infamous for its work on President Donald Trump's Presidential campaign, has suspended their CEO, Alexander Nix. An undercover video released recently shows him discussing the use of sexual entrapment and potential bribery.
Before his suspension, Alexander Nix gave an interview with the BBC's Emily Maitlis (a portion of which is included above), wherein he displayed a multitude of tells. What follows is a spotlight of one particularly valuable nonverbal signal.
ALEXANDER NIX: Well, it's certainly right, that he, he gave us access to, to a data
set. Ahum, I think that we would disagree with ah, th-, the voracity of, ah,
the claims concerning, ah, how powerful this - this, this data was. Ahum, we
ran ahum - many models over a period of time, trying to understand if we
could use this data in a meaningful way - and ultimately (0:24), ahum, it
proved to be - fruitless. Ahum, and, and so we moved down a, a different
EMILY MAITLIS: 'Cause he says that the data came not just from
using the apps - but from a far wider circle of friends - or their
contacts - gave you status updates, likes, personal messages. So from
touching two hundred thousand people - you expanded into their entire
social networks which scaled you to most of America.
During 0:24, as he says the word "ultimately" ("... Ahum, we
ran ahum - many models over a period of time, trying to understand if we
could use this data in a meaningful way - and ultimately (0:24), ahum, it
proved to be - fruitless. ..."), Mr. Nix displayed a great example of what is known as an Asymmetrical Blink (subconsciously, blinking only with one eye).
To be clear, an asymmetrical blink is NOT a wink. Winking is a fully conscious and deliberate behavior.
Asymmetrical Blinking is a nonverbal signal which indicates thought-emotions of:
In this particular context, Feigned Disbelief is profoundly important. Alexander Nix believes, very much, that Cambridge Analytica's data did indeed bear fruit.
It's helpful to think of Asymmetrical Blinking as a Unilateral, Partially Suppressed Eye Roll.
Summary: Alexander Nix's nonverbal behavior indicates he's being deceptive. He's overacting his incredulity.
Nix's Asymmetrical Blinking behavior, is perfectly encapsulated in a line from Hamlet, as Queen Gertrude says, (apologies to Shakespeare), "The Gentlemen doth protests too much, methinks".
In a move which had been widely anticipated, on Monday Donald Trump openly proposed the death penalty for drug dealers. What follows is an analysis of two profound nonverbal signals the President displayed in his New Hampshire speech.
President Trump (continuing at 0:49), "... Because we can have all the blue ribbon committees we want [deep inhalation], but if we don't get tough on the drug dealers, we're wasting our time - just remember that - we're wasting our time [deep inhalation]. And that toughness includes the death penalty."
As the President said the word, "death", he very briefly displayed two consecutive facial expressions (microexpressions) indicative of strong negative emotions:
Primarily Disgust (with secondary contempt): The facial expression above is indicative of almost pure disgust (with some contempt) occurred during the beginning of the word "death".
Primarily Contempt (with secondary disgust): Toward the end of the split-second took to speak this word, President Trump's facial expression morphed into primarily that of Contempt (although a secondary emotion of disgust remained).
Intriguingly, the emotion most strongly associated with perpetrating violence is Disgust - while the second most correlated is Contempt.
In order to rationalize hurting (or killing) another human being, the psyche has to look at them as less than human (e.g., Falsely believing it's not a "real" person who is being harmed - but "something" that is "other" than human).
The emotion of contempt involves thinking/believing another person (or group of people) is beneath us (or we are above them). Disgust is even more extreme, for its an emotion the healthy mind primarily reserves for nonliving things. Therefore, when we feel true disgust or contempt toward another human being, it becomes easier to rationalize our actions - and it becomes easier to hurt them. Wartime and prejudice propaganda are replete with examples of such psychological manipulation.
Summary: Human beings rationalize violence, in large part, by amplifying their negative emotions toward those who they harm. This is an extremely common tactic in war and hate propaganda. The two most common emotions associated with violent acts are disgust and contempt.
Donald Trump displayed the expressions of both disgust and contempt today as he said, "death" when proposing the Death Penalty for drug dealers.