Friday, June 30, 2023

Body Language Analysis №4704: Vladimir Putin Displays Fear Whilst Speaking to Senior Russian Military — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence


On Tuesday 27 June 2023, Vladimir Putin gave a speech to senior Russian military staff (video above). What follows is an analysis of a small, but crucial portion of that speech.

At the 0:44 second mark, Putin begins to display what is an extreme example of a highly-specific body language behavior.


He initiates a bilateral eyelid closure, extending then flexing his torso/waist simultaneously whilst planting his palms on the arms of his chair — for what initially looks like a rapid transition to a standing posture. But this was something else far different… 


As we continue to view the next approximately 3 seconds (0:44–0:47), we see Putin appear to begin standing up. He raises (and then quickly lowers) his buttocks up off (to a height of about 13–16 centimeters [~ 5 to 6 inches]) — and then back down onto his chair.

Provided the translator accompanying this video was accurate — and did not lag too far behind with his translation, the crucial passages correlated with this chair squirming/buttock raising dialogue are as follows:

“… because we understood what was happening and what *would* have happened, had you not averted this mutiny and you did that by fulfilling your military duty — and being loyal to the oath, ah, to, ah, safeguard the country — as always happens in such cases — *always* and *everywhere*, the same thing happens after an armed *uprising* — you get *complete* chaos and civil war.”

When a person feels fear, one (of many) behaviors/effects they experience (and virtually always subconsciously) is a tightening of the glutei and pelvic floor muscles.

In addition, during the fear response, there’s also an accompanying tightening of rectal sphincter muscles and — in males during fear, a contraction of the scrotum occurs (specifically, of the Cremasteric and Dartos muscles), and thus a pulling-up of the testicles against the body in an effort to protect them.

Three completely different causes can also elicit a similar scrotal muscle contraction, however none of these apply in this particular Kremlin moment:

• Exposure to cold temperatures
• Cremasteric reflex
• Sexual excitement

Expressed more colloquially, when a person is experiencing fear, many of the muscles ‘down there’ contract. And guess what? — These contractions are the primary inciting mechanisms causing people to squirm in their chairs during moments of increasing anxiety — and fear.


This chair squirming/buttock raising was completely unplanned. As we can see from the motion artifact, the videographer also did not anticipate this movement.

Putin’s subconscious mind was driving the bus.


Less overt chair-squirmings can be either side-to-side or forward-backward motions or an amalgam of these vectors. Putin can be seen displaying these more subtle squirmings at multiple other times during this ~ 8 minutes speech (i.e., 0:40–0:42).

Please watch the video as the still images do not capture the dynamic nature of these behaviors. 


And closer to the beginning of this same speech, we can see Putin display another, less dramatic, example of Buttock-Raising/Chair-Squirming (0:15–0:16) followed by about 3 seconds of side-to-side squirming (0:16–0:19).

These various chair-squirmings and buttock-raisings are nonverbal manifestations of fear.


If you look carefully at Putin’s facial expressions during the dramatic buttock-raising (0:46), we can see a classic example of a Microexpression of Fear on his face… 

Specifically the corners of his mouth pull backward — along with a contraction and elevation of Putin’s forehead (slightly greater on his left), his eyebrows elevate, and his eyelids open wider (if his neck were not covered, we would have also seen a “Neck of Fear”).

Putin’s facial expression of Fear is absolutely congruent with his chair-squirming/buttock-raising.

So, when it comes to fear — the arse and the genitals contract in concert with the face.

And whilst we can easily and often visualize the physical effects of fear in the latter — manifestations of fear in the former group can be less obvious.

It’s crucial to note that, although it appears that Putin used some notes, his speech was not scripted word-for-word. And provided the translation was accurate, Putin’s syntax and paralanguage was quite word-saladesque.

Although relatively few of us have invaded foreign countries, and even a smaller fraction of us have incited the wrath of a megalomaniac mercenary of our own creation — from time to time we have all squirmed in, and sometimes lifted our own arses off of our own chairs.

SUMMARY: Vladimir Putin exhibited significant Fear during his recent speech to senior Russian military officials on Tuesday 27 June 2023.

Putin fears assassination.

Of course, this doesn’t mean he will be assassinated — but he does fear it.

Putin displayed a high level of fear via his Body Language, his spoken words, as well as his paralanguage.

No doubt you didn’t tune in to this analysis to read about Putin’s junk, however this analysis will help you read other people’s mental-emotional states much more accurately (and your own, à la real time feedback). Stay tuned.

All individuals, businesses, or organizations who want (need) to dramatically improve their Body Language skills — and all professionals who want to nuance their understanding of Emotional Intelligence, please email me at One-on-one, group, in-person, and online formats available.


This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

BodyLanguage Analysis №4702: A Crucial Human-to-Human and Cross-Species Signal of Affection - Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence


A common SINCERE body language signal of human-to-human affection is the act of touching one’s forehead, temple, or periocular region to one or more of those same locations on the other person.


Although it’s not a required component for this display, when the eyes (eyelids) are closed — it’s an affection-amplifier.


This affectionate nonverbal display behavior is also true within much of the animal world.



It’s also a pattern of behavior that persists cross-species.


SUMMARY: Touching one’s forehead, temple, or periocular region to one or more of those same areas on the other person is a common and reliable sign of sincere affection.

Persistent lack of this behavior — and not bending one’s neck to reciprocate, are red flags.


Any individuals (businesses, organizations, etc.) who want to (need to) dramatically improve their Body Language and Emotional Intelligence skills — and all professionals who want to nuance their understanding of human behavior, please email DM or email me, at

Group and one-on-one as well as online and in-person formats available.


This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.



Monday, June 26, 2023

Body Language Analysis №4701: Vladimir Putin has a Cranial Nerve VII Palsy on his right side - Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence

In the midst of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s recent 24-hour-ish mutiny, Vladimir Putin gave a five and half minute address. During this speech, Putin displayed multiple examples of Anxiety, Self-Righteousness, Contempt, Disgust, and Anger.

All of these same emotions were displayed again today in a follow-up address to Russia (and the rest of the World).

However, a careful observer may have also seen Putin’s has a new and unacknowledged health problem. The Russian President has a Peripheral Cranial Nerve VII Palsy (aka the Facial Nerve) on his right.

While this Facial Nerve palsy is not severe (but mild-to-moderate), it’s definitely present.


Note the persistent incomplete closure of his right upper eyelids during blinking.

Also, the diminished forehead and eyebrow movement on Putin’s right (this finding is mild/mild-to-moderate and persistent).

In addition, Vladimir Putin’s right Nasolabial fold is significantly flattened.

There is, however, perhaps only a trace amount of drooping of the ipsilateral mouth corner. This lesser finding is sometimes seen in mild Cranial Nerve VII palsies.

More significant drooping of the corner of the mouth would be expected in essentially all moderate-to-severe Cranial Nerve VII palsies.

SUMMARY: Vladimir Putin has a mild-to-moderate Cranial Nerve VII Palsy on his right. It appears to be new. This may be isolated and idiopathic (i.e., Bell’s Palsy — always a diagnosis of exclusion) — or it may be secondary to another, underlying, more serious etiology.

Why isn’t Body Language taught much more widely in the medical field? If you’re a physician, nurse, therapist, counselor, etc., contact me at to learn this crucial skill. Group, individual, in-person, and online instruction are available.


This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Body Language Analysis №4700: Donald Trump's Lisp of Fear (and other Tells) — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence


As fear crescendos, we may see any number of multiple nonverbal tells. A cluster of behavior Donald Trump displays when he’s scared and feels backed in a corner includes:

• Tightening of his jaw
• Extending his jaw forward (mild jaw jut)
• Flaring his Lips outward (aka a Lip Curl)

Donald Trump also often Lips slightly when he’s frightened. Did you hear it?

It’s crucial to differentiate Trump’s Fear-Lisp from the separate and distinct phenomenon when he lisps on occasions when his oral prosthesis temporarily loosens.

Moreover, when he’s in a fear-state, Trump’s mouth doesn’t open as widely as it typically does as he’s speaking (a pattern commonly seen in people in low confidence, high emotional discomfort, and fearful emotional states).

The pitch of Trump’s voice also grows higher with his fear — along with the speed of his speech.

Trump’s eyes (eyelids) also open wider when he’s frightened (This is an expected and common fear response). It’s more prominent on his left, as Trump’s right upper eyelid is droopy (underlying ptosis).

Although his eyebrows are lowered, Trump’s central forehead muscles are contracted and elevated (partially obscured by his hair). This is also a configuration common with fear.

Simultaneously, another part of this fear cluster — Trump leans forwards (at his waist) and rounds/hunches his shoulders as his upper arms adduct (pull inward toward midline).

Trump exemplified this above-described behavior cluster multiple times during his interview on Fox News.

SUMMARY: During Donald Trump’s interview aired last night with Bret Baier, the former President displayed significant fear with both his body language and paralanguage (Lisp of Fear, increased speed, higher pitch).

Why isn’t Body Language taught in Law School? Stop wingin’ it. If you’re an attorney, please contact me at to learn this crucial skill. Group, individual, in-person, and online instruction are all available.


This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Body Language Analysis №4699: Donald Trump's Forward Lip Purse  — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence (PHOTOS with ANALYSIS)

In the image above, Donald Trump is displaying what is known as a Forward Lip Purse — a profoundly telling, under-appreciated, and thus extremely valuable nonverbal behavior.


A Forward Lip Purse is a highly reliable signal of one of three thought-emotions (of which there’s significant):


A. Clandestine plans — the person is planning an act(s) which they’re deliberately keeping from you.


B. Undisclosed Information (i.e., a body language signal of a ‘Lie of Omission’).


C. Undisclosed (fully or partially) disagreements. Crucially, they *may* in fact be voicing *some* disagreement — but their internal disagreement is much stronger than what they’re saying out-loud (verbally).


A large percentage of the time, however, a person will be voicing no disagreement whatsoever — AND they’re displaying a Forward Lip Purse.


Either way (whether they’re voicing little or no disagreement), when you see a Forward Lip Purse — be warned!


Unless it’s in the context of playing/a recognized (and consensual) game atmosphere — if your boss is displaying a Forward Lip Purse — immediately protect your flanks, for they’re planning to fire you.


Similarly, outside an obvious and consensual game scenario — anytime your spouse/partner is displaying a Forward Lip Purse — they’re holding back significant information — and keeping secrets from you.


Moreover, there’s a high probability they’re actively planning a divorce, its equivalent, or a betrayal of some type.


It’s important to not confuse a Forward Lip Purse from other types of Lip Pursing — i.e., such as a Lateral Lip Purse (here displayed by Scarlett Johansson) which have completely different meanings.


When they’re being observant, individuals who have good body language instincts, but who lack formal nonverbal training will feel sudden cognitive-emotional dissonance when they see Forward Lip Pursing.



A Forward Lip Purse is always displayed by a person who perceives themself to be an alpha personality — with significant intelligence, resources, and/or hidden advantage relative to their audience.


SUMMARY: When you see a Forward Lip Purse, your psyche should be screaming — warning you. They’re lying and/or keeping secrets — and, with high probability, planning to betray you.

Red lights flashing and sirens blaring.


If you think you, your company, or your organization would benefit from learning Body Language (you will) — including real-world improvement and ROI, please contact me at

Group, individual, in-person, and online instruction are all available.


This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Body Language Analysis №4698: Donald Trump's Neck of Fear



After being arraigned and arrested on Federal charges this week, this image of Donald Trump during a subsequent golf outing not only gives us a peek into his psyche, but it also provides an excellent example of a particular body language behavior commonly displayed, but rarely described in the nonverbal literature:

The Neck of Fear.


At first glance of this photo, a body language novice might say that Donald Trump is displaying a fairly good ‘Social Smile’ — but they would be oh-so wrong.

We can’t see Trump’s forehead — and a relaxed (non-contracted) forehead is a requirement for a sincere smile. His eyelids are partially closed and he does have concave-up furrows in each of his lower eyelids (another requirement for a sincere smile) — however …


…When we examine the configuration of his mouth and the area around his mouth, we see elements of insincerity, disgust, and indeed, fear. The corners of Trump’s mouth are stretched primarily laterally, not upwards (as we would expect, had his smile been sincere). 


This more lateral (vs upward) pull of mouth corners, not only indicates insincerity — it’s also consistent w/ the emotion of Fear (note accompanying semi-circular furrows of cheeks indicative of laterally-pulled mouth corners, not present w/ true smiles of joy-happiness). 


The lateral vectoring of the corners of his mouth is underscored by the evanescent horizontal lines in Trump’s ‘mustache region’ (the tissue above his upper lip and below his nose).

The tightening of the tissue in Trump’s mustache region along with the nearly-always simultaneous nostril-flaring gives this pseudo-smile an element of disgust — thus, these dynamic facial characteristics are collectively sometimes referred to as a ‘Disgust Smile’ — which is a surprisingly common variation of a social smile. This is a default smile (pseudo-smile) for many people.

Let’s look further…

Trump’s jaw is jutting outward (extended forward). A jaw jut is another dead-giveaway that a smile is being feigned and that there are important underlying emotions present (emotions which are contradictory to joy-happiness). During sincere smiles, the jaw is retracted.

A Jaw Jut is a sign of heightened adrenaline. Trump is in the middle of a round of golf, and while this activity does take some physical effort, we’d perhaps expect to see a jaw-jut in the midst of a club-swing — not whilst posing for a picture. Let’s dig further…

If we look at Trump’s neck we can see two sets of muscle contractions at work:

• The tenting-up of the skin of the neck (indicating a contraction of the Platysma muscle)

• The ‘rope-like’ appearances indicating simultaneous contraction of the sternocleidomastoids.

Try replicating this neck appearance on yourself right now. The Platysma muscle (superficial anterior aspect of the neck) lies just beneath the skin (it’s very thin and flat) — and tightening it will give this tented (‘bowstring’) appearance to the neck.

(The platysma muscle also extends above the jaw-line to the lower portions of the face and outward/downward to the deltoids and the upper portions of the pectoralis major muscles).

Tightening one’s sternocleidomastoids will give rise to the neck having a component of a rope-like appearance — also seen in this photo of Trump.


When they do contract, it’s common that both the sternocleidomastoids and the platysma muscles will contract together, however, you may notice the effect of one of these being more prominent at any particular time. We see both of these effects in this image of Trump.

It’s very common that during microexpressions/near-microexpressions of fear, we see very brief contractions of these neck muscles (in such evanescent scenarios, these events more typically involve the Platysma muscle and not the sternocleidomastoids).

*Thus, if we’re observant, during moments of fear, we’ll often see the highly-characteristic and extremely-brief tenting-up of the platysma neck muscles — without any signs of fear on the face.*

Although it’s impossible to see w/out an accompanying video, due to the magnitude of Trump’s contraction of both his platysma & sternocleidomastoids, this dynamic probably was of significantly longer duration — an indirect but reliable signal of a deeper level of fear.

A Jaw Jut + Laterally Vectored mouth corners + teeth displayed + a Neck of Fear may cause you to ask, “Is Trump in pain?” and/or “Is this a ‘grimace’ expression?” And that would be an astute question — however, in this example, Trump is not in pain. Here’s why…

If this were an expression of pain, Trump would be:

• Displaying lower teeth also
• He would not be displaying concave-up furrows in his lower eyelids
• Additionally (but not required here) if we could see his forehead, we’d see an Elevated Central Forehead Contraction

So an important take-home point here is that a “Neck of Fear” configuration can also be “Neck of Pain” display — and this is always an important though-emotion to consider, however, it’s just not the case in this moment with Trump.


Now look at Trump’s “Thumbs-up” gesture (illustrator). Note his thumb is hyper-extended (bent backward) in the middle (at the interphalangeal joint).

Only the distal portion of his thumb is directed upward — while the remainder of the thumb (second/distal phalanx) ‘wants to stay down’/unextended.

This is a reliable sign that the conscious component of this behavior (the second/distal phalanx pointing upward) is in disagreement with the subconscious component (the first/ proximal phalanx staying unextended) of the thumb.

This subtle, yet classic thumb-contradictory signal (commonly seen displayed by politicians) is a quintessential manifestation of cognitive-emotional dissonance. Trump displays this behavior often.

A True/sincere thumbs-up signal is a classic display of optimism. In this example (a feigned thumbs-up), it appears simultaneously with a feigned smile (a fear-disgust pseudo-smile). Both body language behaviors are manifestations of deceptive thought-emotions.


Moreover, notice how low Trump is holding his forearm. His elbow is flexed enough only to elevate his hand to the level of his waist — nor is his forearm raised to a level parallel with the ground (his forearm is angled toward the ground).

If Trump had been enthusiastic (and sincere) regarding a ‘Thumbs-up’ sentiment, his forearm would not be directed down — rather, it would be pointed upward (at a positive slope, relative to the ground).

Indeed, the higher the Thumbs-up gesture is held (relative to one’s body), the greater the tendency for the facial expression in that same moment to be in agreement with sincere optimism and joy-happiness. In this example, neither nonverbal behaviors are sincere.

Just as a person can tell lies with their words, they can try to tell lies with their body language too (which may be conscious or subconscious displays). Such nonverbal deceptions are ubiquitous. 

Recognizing the difference between sincere behavior and feigned behavior is crucial (whether it’s nonverbal, verbal, or paralanguage) in avoiding criminal behavior, manipulation, deception, financial loss, heartache, abuse, or worse.


As a separate observation, Trump either has some food in his ‘teeth’, or, it’s more likely that he is using a new/different oral prosthesis (or he uses a different oral prosthetic device when he’s golfing).

SUMMARY: Donald Trump’s display of a classic ‘Neck of Fear’ is a reliable barometer of his mental-emotional state after his first Federal Criminal arrest and arraignment this week. Trump’s mouth also displayed fear (along with a component of disgust).

Moreover, Trump’s thumbs-up gesture contains signals of cognitive-emotional dissonance — AND any true thumb’s-up display is contradictory to (and in dissonance with) a feigned smile (said another way, both behaviors [the ‘smile’ and the ‘thumbs-up’] are deceptive here).

Interested in Learning Body Language & Behavior Analysis in Group-Zoom sessions? Choose either of two diff. sessions (2nd & 4th Tuesday or Thursdays) each month (90 minutes/session for 1 year, 36 hours total).

Please email me at for details.

One-on-one and corporate group teaching scenarios are also available.


This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Body Language Analysis No. 4697: Jim Jordan's Creepy Smile — and Why Clowns Freak-out so many people



A clown doesn’t have to be a ‘scary clown’ in order to creep us out. They often ‘feel’ insincere and duplicitous — feelings we should always approach with caution.



When a clown’s ‘painted-on’ smile doesn’t match their real mouth — it’s an overt reminder that a person’s spoken word often doesn’t match their true intent. Thus clowns are often perceived as duplicitous and devious — which is scary (life clearly has enough of that).

A person may have no body language expertise or any nonverbal training whatsoever — but clown smiles will always feel unnatural to them.

Whenever you get an “unnatural feeling”, don’t ignore it. Listen to it (not just about false-smiles, but with regards to any behavior that seems ‘off’).



Jim Jordan’s feigned ‘smile’ is a good example of this nonverbal phenomenon. The word ‘smile’ is placed in quotations because it’s NOT sincere. This is one of Jordan’s primary default smiles (false smiles).

And don’t let anyone tell you, “That’s just the way Jim Jordan smiles” — No, it’s not. This is not a smile — it’s a behavioral mask. This is not anatomical variation. This is not physiological. And it’s not idiosyncratic. It’s duplicitous.

Note that none of Jordan’s upper teeth showing — but lower teeth are visible. This is *exactly the opposite* teeth-smile pattern vs that of a sincere smile.


Said another way, teeth need not be present during a sincere smile. Many smiles, in fact, display no teeth. These are either sincere smiles in the initial split-seconds of formation, or more likely, they’re expressing a component of smile suppression.

Of all types of sincere smiling, suppressed smiles are the most common.



However, with true/sincere smiles, when teeth *are showing* they should only be the upper teeth, not the lower teeth.



Jim Jordan routinely displays the complete opposite — with his top teeth covered and lower teeth exposed. This is NOT natural.

(Exceptions: When a person is crescendoing to or decrescendoing from sincere laughter, when the camera [or observer] is positioned higher, when the smiler is tilting their head forward, with facial trauma, or dental malformations — lower teeth may be seen)

Notice too that when Jordan pseudo-smiles like this, it necessarily tightens the tissue above his upper lip and below his nose. This thins-out this “mustache region” and thins-out his upper lip.

A momentary thinned upper lip is correlative with anger, frustration, or anxiety — and increased adrenaline.

Simultaneously, we note that Jordan’s jaw is thrusting forward (toward the camera). This is also highly indicative of increased adrenaline.

During a sincere smile, a jaw is never thrusting forward. So whenever you see this dynamic (sometimes it’s called a jaw jut), ask yourself, “What is the reason for their adrenaline surge?” and “Why are they faking their smile right now?”



In fact, during sincere smiles and sincere laughter the jaw is *pulling backward* with respect to the upper teeth (and of course, the rest of one’s head). This may not always be obvious to you, but it’s there — and it’s a crucial component of a true smile/laughter.

Sometimes (esp. if you begin with trying to ‘smile w/ your eyes’ [an absolute requirement for sincere smiles]), if you then contract your jaw backwards — you’ll find yourself ‘flip into’ (almost like you flipped-on light switch) a deep smile or even spontaneous laughter. [280]

Now try to imitate Jordan’s facial configuration. Hide your upper teeth. Pull up the corners of your mouth. Push your jaw forward. Expose your lower teeth. Doing this will make you feel odd — and will probably make you ‘feel creepy’.



Did you notice in this example how Jim Jordan’s central forehead muscles are contracted upwards? This is also indicative of a highly feigned smile.

Never trust what, at first glance, may seem like a legit mouth smile — but that also has an accompanying elevated central forehead contraction.

People that make such “mouth smiles” with an elevated central forehead contraction *often* (or at crucial times) have an extremely high correlation with sociopathy or psychopathy (collectively referred to as Antisocial Personality Disorder).

SUMMARY: Jim Jordan’s “Smile” is overtly duplicitous and insincere. Sincere smiles *never* display the lower teeth whilst hiding the upper teeth. This pseudo-smile should make you feel creeped-out. Red lights flashing. Sirens blaring.

Interested in learning Body Language and Behavior Analysis? Group-Zoom sessions are available. Choose one of two different sessions (2nd & 4th Tuesday or Thursday) of each month (90 min/session for 1 year, 36 hours total). Corporate group & one-on-one sessions also available.

Please email me at for details.


This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.