Touching one's forehead, temple, or peri-ocular region – to the forehead, temple, or peri-ocular area of another person is a reliable signal of high-affection.
The Majority of All In-Person Communication & Visual Media is Nonverbal...
How Much are You Missing?
Analysis, Secrets, and Advice from an Expert for the Real-World
Touching one's forehead, temple, or peri-ocular region – to the forehead, temple, or peri-ocular area of another person is a reliable signal of high-affection.
This is Alina Habba in the courtroom today. Although we cannot see him here, her client Donald Trump, is seated immediately to her right. Beyond these basic facts, we don’t know who is speaking or what is being said in this moment.
However, we can discern Alina Habba’s thought-emotions being displayed here.
Note the extreme backward-tilting of Habba’s head-neck. Moreover, she’s tilted to her left-side — further distancing herself from the person at whom she’s looking.
The camera angle here makes it less obvious, yet we can still clearly see her nose is elevated (contracted upward).
In contrast, the same camera angle magnifies the flaring of Habba’s already quite-flared nostrils. The tissue above her upper lip and below her nose is tightened.
SUMMARY: Alina Habba’s body language, captured this morning in this courtroom moment, indicates her thought-emotions of strong:
• Arrogance
• Condescension
• Disgust
While displaying these emotions may temporarily give a person feelings of superiority and an evanescent false sense of ‘winning’ — with the exception of Donald Trump, there’s no one in this courtroom with whom this expression will build rapport.
On the contrary, it will further alienate the judge. In this moment, Habba is working against her client. This display is also self-destructive — not only by increasing Trump’s punishment, but also by diminishing her mental focus and moving her mind further from her emotional baseline.
All individuals, organizations, and businesses who want to (need to) nuance their understanding of Emotional Intelligence and dramatically improve their Body Language skills — please email me at:
This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.
There are many variations of fake/feigned/social ‘smiles’. Vivek Ramaswamy frequently displays one of these in particularly telling.
During the above interview with Mehdi Hasan last week, Ramaswamy displayed this false and deceptive ‘smile’ multiple times. Note the above image, displaying an example captured during the 20:06 time maker in the following video:
Ramaswamy's bottom teeth are showing. When a sincere smile is being displayed, the lower teeth are almost always never visible. There are some exceptions however.
Donald Trump’s mugshot was just released from the authorities in the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office where he was arrested, arraigned, and booked today.
His facial expression is an amalgam of the following thought-emotions:
• Contempt
• Anger
• Predation
The former president also appears to have an inflammatory process involving the margins of his eyelids and some of the adjoining tissue — a form of blepharoconjunctivitis, most likely a mild infection.
To some people, this inflammation (specifically, the notable redness) could make it appear as if Trump had perhaps been crying or was sad — but this is not the case.
It should be noted that the appearance of Trump’s predation is potentiated by the downward looking camera — making Trump seem as if his eyebrows are more prominent and/or that his head is configured in a greater degree of downward tilt.
The asymmetric light source (directed from Trump’s left side) also amplifies the appearance of Trump’s contempt.
Thus, although Trump is absolutely thinking-feeling-projecting both Contempt and Predation — the photographic technique exaggerates the appearance of these particular thought-emotions.
SUMMARY: Donald Trump’s mugshot today indicates the thought-emotions of:
• Contempt
• Anger
• Predation
All individuals, businesses, and organizations who want to (need to) dramatically improve their Body Language skills and nuance their understanding of Emotional Intelligence, please email me at:
This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.
As with multiple other Republican presidential candidates, during this past weekend, Donald Trump made an appearance at the Iowa State Fair. What follows is a brief analysis of one short but crucial nonverbal behavior displayed by Donald Trump.
Unlike many of my body language analyses, this particular behavior example needs no body language expertise to suss it out — but it does require careful observation.
Beginning at the 1:17 mark in the above video, Donald Trump is seen in profile standing, backlit, adjacent to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R, CD-01, FL) as Gaetz is speaking. While the resolution is low, we can clearly see that this is, in fact, Donald Trump.
Trump can be see nodding his head (a universal signal of affirmation) accompanying several of Gaetz’s statements — and one of these is of particular note:
Beginning at 1:33, Gaetz says, “… but we know that only through force can we make any change in a corrupt town like Washington D.C.”
Note Gaetz’s highest vocal emphasis on the words: “only” and “force”.
At the end of his declaration, as Gaetz says, “… Washington D.C.”, Trump can be seen nodding his head up and down — displaying the universal signal for agreement (during 1:39–1:40).
Please watch this video, as the dynamic nature of this behavior is impossible to see on an image.
Keep in mind that this is an individual who’s awaiting trial for, in part, inciting a violent insurrection — an allegation Trump repeatedly denies — and yet here he nods in agreement while Gaetz openly advocates violence and commits a blatant act of stochastic terrorism.
SUMMARY: Donald Trump’s Body Language behavior while Matt Gaetz says, “…only through force can we make any change in a corrupt town like Washington D.C.” is a clear indication that *Trump believes* violence is a viable method to effect change in the United States.
All individuals, businesses, and organizations who want to (need to) dramatically improve their Body Language skills and nuance their understanding of Emotional Intelligence, please email me at:
This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testified at a US House of Representatives hearing regarding “social media and alleged censorship” last week.
During his testimony, Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY10) played a video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr making a statement regarding COVID-19 at an event earlier in the week in New York City.
What follows is a Body Language analysis of a crucial portion of that second video (the video within the video, link above).
Beginning at 3:15:14, we see a brief clip of Robert Kennedy speaking (our view of video [but not audio] is slightly truncated) where Kennedy says, “[COVID-19] is targeted to attack ah caucasians and — ah, and ah and ah black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and ah, and Chinese.”
Kennedy has Spasmodic Dysphonia — a disorder in which the muscles that generate a person’s voice go into periods of spasm.
It’s common for people who have Spasmodic Dysphonia to exhibit a superimposed stuttering-like speech (this arises from a different etiology from that of common stuttering).
While Kennedy exhibits prominent stuttering-like behavior during this statement, it’s impossible for us to determine whether this is related strictly to his Spasmodic Dysphonia — or if it arises from anxiety unrelated to his vocal cord disorder.
As soon as Kennedy begins to speak his second sentence (“The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and ah, and Chinese”), he crosses his right arm-hand across his lower chest.
Watch carefully — Kennedy’s right arm had already been across his lap (a variation of a fig leaf/genital guarding — signaling low emotional confidence and the need for protection) — but he lifted it higher to the level of his lower chest.
It’s crucial to note here that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is right-handed.
Kennedy’s right (dominant) arm/hand across his lower chest is protective. This is a self-hugging/self-comforting/self-soothing posture (w/ our obstructed view, we can’t say for sure, but his right hand/fingers is probably palm-side-flat against his side, not in a fist).
Kennedy’s left hand/arm (non-dominant) then gestures in a brief index finger-point hand-chop gesture (as he says “most”).
A person who truly believes what they’re saying would be gesturing with their dominant hand — not their non-dominant hand, as Kennedy does here. They also wouldn’t need their dominant hand-arm to protect and self-hug.
We could stop this analysis right here: Kennedy does not believe what he’s saying here.
He does not believe that Ashkenazi Jews or Chinese are somehow protected from the COVID-19 virus.
An additional nuance to this gesture (whether it’s being displayed with the dominant or non-dominant hand) is that the finger-point hand chop dynamic carries with it an additional correlation with deception.
Kennedy then transitions to two successive finger-splayed gestures — first, palm down …
… and then with his palm angled ~45º he gestures — again this gesture was performed with his left (non-dominant) hand in motion. Again, displaying with his non-dominant hand signals his lack of belief in his own claims.
Note also that Kennedy’s eyelids are closed during much of these two sentences. Prolonged eyelid closure (one form of diminished eye contact) is highly correlated with deception.
Note also Kennedy’s increased rate of blinking. Taken alone, an increased blinking frequency does not indicate deception — but it is strongly correlated with anxiety (which may or may not be associated with deception). But here, we take this finding in full-context.
Had the House of Representatives viewing of this recent video been allowed to run less than a second more, we would have also seen Kennedy cover his mouth with his left hand (simultaneously with eyelid closure) immediately after he says, “Chinese”.
Mouth covering, particularly when there’s co-existing eyelid closure, during a declarative statement (or whilst answering a question) is high-correlative with deception.
There are multiple other deceptive body language and paralanguage tells exhibited by Robert F. Kennedy Jr during the longer version of this video referenced in this US House of Representatives hearing.
SUMMARY: Robert F. Kennedy Jr does not believe that Ashkenazi Jews or Chinese are somehow protected from the COVID-19 virus, nor does he believe that the virus was “targeted to attack caucasians or black people”. He is lying.
All organizations, businesses, and individuals who want to (need to) dramatically improve their Body Language skills and nuance their understanding of Emotional Intelligence, please email me at:
This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.
Note the configuration of Elon Musk’s hand-arm display in the above picture. This is called a ‘Steeple’ — more specifically a ‘High Conventional Steeple’.
This example is called a ‘High’ Steeple because it’s positioned relatively high with respect to the rest of his body — here at the level of his upper chest and even his lower face …
… and the term ‘Conventional’ Steeple applies here as a differentiation from other types of steeple displays (such as a ‘Pistol Steeple’, ‘Basketball Steeple’, etc.)
For the most part, few people ever use the conventional steeple (whether it’s held high, mid-level, or a low steeple) — but those who do use it, tend to dramatically over-use it.
Exceptions to this, are those who are extremely arrogant, narcissists, or sociopaths/psychopaths — or individuals who are taught to use it (or its use is modeled for them by a parent, influential authority figure, etc.) — and subsequently it becomes a default behavior.
A conventional steeple is an example of a body language behavior that’s not just alpha — it’s a hyper-alpha behavior.
To clarify — the term “alpha” can be used to describe an example of a behavior’s attempt at dominance — relative to other more submissive (beta) behaviors.
However, the term “alpha” can also be used in a more Gestalt sense — to describe a person’s rank in a given context/subcontext of society (as it’s perceived by themself/subjectively or by others).
Dominant, influential and powerful individuals very often have moments of less-dominant (even submissive), fearful, and acquiescing behavior. The opposite is also true with individuals who are otherwise not dominant, not influential, and who rarely wield power.
Noticing these fluxes of behavior (changes you previously might have called subtle or not noticed at all) — will give you insight as to their underlying motives — and, thus, a tremendous advantage.
Displaying a conventional steeple may make you feel ‘in charge’, confident, powerful — and yes, it will make you feel ‘alpha’ — but also, if you have a reasonable level of baseline empathy, using it will make you feel arrogant.
If a person uses this nonverbal behavior often — and they don’t feel arrogant — with very high probability, their empathy is very low or nonexistent (i.e., a high-narcissist — or a sociopath/psychopath [APD]).
I recommend almost never using a conventional steeple.
If those who I teach insist on displaying a conventional steeple — I advise them to use it for (literally) just a second of their speech/talk/discussion (when they’re saying the most important word of the most important sentence of the most important paragraph).
Otherwise (if people over-use this body language — and since it’s so potent, this is an extremely easy thing to do) it may make you feel confident and puffed-up, ….
… and while those who like you/your agenda will continue to like you and advocate for your cause — those who don’t like you will dislike you even more.
And crucially, it will have a similar rapport-destroying and influence-diminishing effect upon those who are ‘on-the-fence’ regarding you/your ‘leadership’ and/or your plan/agenda.
So while using the conventional steeple (all but very sparingly) may make you feel (temporarily) powerful — but why [insert rhetorical vocal tone] use a behavior that works against you?
Looking at Musk’s face, note his left eyebrow is elevated. He’s questioning and/or not believing what he’s hearing.
He’s not turning his torso or lower body toward the speaker, just his head and neck, along with his eyes. We don’t look directly at people who we don’t like, don’t believe, or don’t respect.
Moreover, he’s tilting his head down here — in this context, this configuration is sending signals of predation, power, and aggression.
Musk’s lower face-mouth-jaw are configured in a pseudo-pout. This transmits thought-emotions of arrogance and feigned consideration.
In this image, Musk’s mid-face is projecting an amalgam of primarily disgust as well as a component of contempt.
SUMMARY: A conventional steeple (as Musk examples here) is an example of a body language which may, for the moment, make you feel alpha and powerful — but it will backfire on you. Others will interpret things very differently.
Nearly everyone (except those who are solidly within your fan base) will (accurately) read a conventional steeple as arrogant. It will work against you — helping to destroy your rapport and diminish your influence. Don’t use it.
All organizations, businesses, and individuals who want to (need to) dramatically improve their Body Language skills and nuance their understanding of Emotional Intelligence, please email me at:
This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.
The faces of the two individuals in this image are deliberately blocked out — but they will be revealed toward the end of this analysis.
Please wait to identify them, as this will serve to drive home the details (and solidify your long-term memory) of their body language behavior on display here.
Note that the woman’s right hand (our left) is configured partially clenched. And although we cannot discern with complete certainty, there’s a high probability that her fingers are also wedged beneath her right upper thigh.
This particular nonverbal component screams with emotional discomfort and an effort to protect herself. It signals that her entire lower abdomen, her gluteal muscles, and her pelvic floor are tightened in response to her anxiety regarding his proximity, touch, and intentions.
She’s psychologically distancing herself from him. It’s obvious that he’s making sexual advancements — and the thought of sexual activity with him is causing her considerable anxiety and a desire to protect herself.
Don’t let the loose, hanging configuration of his right hand mislead you — with his right arm, shoulder, a substantial portion of his torso, and his head/neck behind her — this is a man who wants to control (and who’s accustomed to being in control).
He’s also right-hand dominant (note the trace view of the watch on his left wrist, giving us a 99% certainty he’s right-handed).
While in many scenarios, an arm around someone signals affection, in this context, based on the other body language signals, here it’s a sign of his perceived ownership of her.
Look at his left hand — he’s holding her left wrist. Particularly in the context of their other body language behaviors, here this wrist-holding is a particular red flag — a further signal of his dominance and control.
Her legs are crossed away from him. If she had affection toward him or if she were interested in sexual intimacy with him, her legs would be crossed in the opposite manner — with her right leg over her left leg — and they would both be pointing in his direction.
Moreover, in that alternative universe, her hips and torso would also be rotated toward him, rather rotated modestly away from her “date”.
Notice also, the placement of her left hand. She’s protecting against his touch and his sexual access.
Surprise! (or not) — it’s Donald Trump and Melania. This image is no doubt, at least two decades or more old, but it is dramatic. She wants nothing to do with him in this moment.
His face (and mouth) are fairly close to her head and her left ear. If we don’t like someone (or are angry at them, not attracted to them, fear them, etc.), we are emotionally uncomfortable with their head close to ours.
This very well could have been a noisy environment, but if a person with whom we’re ill-at-ease is speaking closely into our ear, it’s particularly anxiety-provoking.
Melania’s lower eyelids are in significant tension. Her head, neck, and eye, in this moment, are turned away from him.
While Melania’s face is not neutral, contrast the less dramatic expression on her face compared with tells displayed by the rest of her body.
While, with considerable effort, the effectiveness of suppressing one’s facial expressions may be successful in any given moment, the remainder of the body will tell the true story.
Of interest is the way Donald Trump is crossing his legs — he hasn’t crossed them in this manner in at least eight years. One knee directly over the other is rather physically uncomfortable for most people.
Donald Trump is able to maintain this atypical leg crossing only because of his backward lean in conjunction with his right turning and right-tilting of his torso.
SUMMARY: In this image of Donald and Melania Trump, she not only displayed zero affection toward him — but she was trying to physically protect herself from his advances.
With high probably, Melania was experiencing fear. Her hand beneath her upper thigh, in this context, is a profound tell.
Donald Trump is trying to gain access to areas of Melania that she doesn’t want him to touch. His holding of her wrist in this context is particularly indicative of his desire for control — and that he was (and still is) accustomed to physically controlling women.
All individuals, businesses, or organizations who want to (need to) dramatically improve their Body Language skills — and all professionals who want to nuance their understanding of Emotional Intelligence, please contact me via my email:
This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.
There are many signals of deception and manipulation — and in the vast majority of scenarios, these should not be interpreted in isolation.
It’s profoundly important to differentiate a person who is lying or manipulative *in this moment* vs. a person who *chronically* lies or manipulates (that is, it’s one of their fundamental underlying personality characteristics).
The most common signal of a person who is a chronic liar (aka a person who is chronically insincere), is an overuse of their forehead muscles, specifically an upward (not downward) contraction of their forehead.
Moreover, either the entire width of the forehead (with both entire eyebrows) — or the central forehead (with the central portion of each eyebrow) elevating is the specific pattern to look for when sussing out chronic dishonesty and manipulative personalities.
Of course, there are many honest reasons for a person to elevate their forehead such as honest surprise, deep emotional processing, fear, bewilderment, honest emphasis, self-deprecating emotions, playfulness, etc.
These honest reasons are in profound distinction, however, to a person who elevates their forehead out-of-context or too frequently.
Another important distinction is when the forehead is contracted only on one side — which also does not apply in this specific chronic dishonest and manipulative nonverbal behavior/tell.
SUMMARY: The most common signal of a Manipulative personality as well as a Chronic Liar is the overuse of an upward-contracted forehead. Take care to avoid these individuals — they will make your life miserable (or worse).
All individuals, businesses, or organizations who want to (need to) dramatically improve their #BodyLanguage skills (via group or individual instruction) — and all professionals who want to nuance their understanding of #EmotionalIntelligence, please DM or email me at
This post and others accompanying it, serve as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts.