On 7 June 2016, two days prior to the now infamous Trump Tower meeting, Donald Trump gave a speech in Westchester, New York. A video of that speech is included above. It took place on the same night the presumptive Republican nominee won primaries in California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
What follows is a nonverbal analysis of a small but crucial portion of that speech - when Trump teased the electorate with the forthcoming release of damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
Beginning at 7:02, Candidate Trump continues, "... I am going to give a major speech on - probably Monday of next week and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons. I think you're going to find it very informative and very, very interesting."
About a second after he finishes this sentence (during 7:20), Donald Trump displays a profoundly telling nonverbal signal - a Loose Tongue Jut.
A loose tongue jut indicates the thought feelings of:
• I've been bad
• I've done a foolish thing
• I've been caught/I'm going to be caught
If we look carefully though, less than a second prior to this loose tongue jut (also during 7:20), we see another significant display - subtle, but just as insightful: a Tongue-in-Cheek maneuver.
A tongue-in-cheek dynamic projects the thought-feelings of:
• I Won
• Gotcha!
• Overlapping Smugness
Now, look at this wider angle image of the same moment. Ivanka Trump's body language was also noteworthy. Ms. Trump, who, three seconds earlier, had been looking at the audience:
• Turned her head, neck, and eyes toward her father
• Shifted back and forth on her feet
• Momentarily suppressed a mouth smile
• Pulled her cheeks inward
• Blushed slightly
• Narrowed her eyes (partially closed her eyelids)
Ivanka Trump held this facial expression for about two seconds.
The action of pulling or sucking one's cheeks inward - often biting the insides of
the cheeks mildly to moderately - is a common subconscious and
edge-of-consciousness maneuver occurring during the suppression of
smiling. At 7:23, Ms. Trump can't resist and then smiles fully.
This particular cluster pattern of suppressed smiling was an example of Duping Delight. She is experiencing sincere joy-happiness in her belief that she knows a secret. It would have been very natural and normal for context to smile when your father is the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, yet she reigned-in her smile. Her blushing while biting/sucking in her cheeks are especially telling - and indicate that she was doing her best to maintain a poker face - to avoid divulging information. She wanted to keep clandestine.
SUMMARY: Donald Trump's nonverbal behavior during this speech is highly consistent with his belief that he's about to receive politically damaging
information regarding Hillary Clinton. He is smug and giddy with anticipation. This speech took place two days prior to the 9 June 2016 Trump Tower Meeting - and
four days after Donald Trump Jr and Rob Goldstone arranged the meeting.
Moreover, Ivanka Trump's simultaneous nonverbal behavior indicates with high probability, that she also had foreknowledge of the Trump Tower meeting.
The recent summit in Helsinki has refocused attention on specific events surrounding the 2016 US Presidential Election. One of these moments was a crucial portion of the third debate held on 19 October - twenty days prior to the election. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis of that exchange.
DONALD TRUMP (continuing at 27:21): He [Putin] has no respect for her. He has no respect for our president. And I'll tell you what. We're in very serious trouble. Because we have a country with tremendous numbers of nuclear warheads - eighteen hundred by the way. Where they expanded and we didn't. Eighteen hundred nuclear warheads. And she is playing chicken. Look.
CHRIS WALLACE (over-talking): W-, w-, wait.
DONALD TRUMP: Putin - from everything I see has no respect for this - person.
HILLARY CLINTON: Well, that's because he'd rather have a puppet as president of the United States.
DONALD TRUMP (over-talking): No puppet. No Puppet.
HILLARY CLINTON: And it is pretty clear -
DONALD TRUMP (over-talking): You're the puppet.
HILLARY CLINTON: It's pretty clear - you won't admit -
DONALD TRUMP (over-talking): No, you're the puppet. HILLARY CLINTON: ... that the Russians have engaged in cyber attacks against the United States of America. That you encouraged espionage against our people. That you are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish list, break up NATO, do whatever he wants to do. And that you continue to get help from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race. So, I, I think that this is such an unprecedented, ah, situation. We've never had a foreign government trying to interfere in our election. We have seventeen, seventeen intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing.
During 27:51 - 27:52, as he says, "No puppet. No puppet." - candidate Trump displays a classic Rationalization Rapport Empathy Expression (abbreviated as R2E2).
It's important here to emphasize that the person who is displaying this dynamic facial movement - is not feeling Empathy or Rapport - but they're trying to evoke these emotions in other people. It's manipulative. They are trying to get you to rationalize - and often while rationalizing themselves.
The Rationalization Rapport Empathy Expression strongly resembles disgust - but it's accompanied by a side-to-side ("No") head movement.
Verbal language accompanying the R2E2 is virtually always refuting statements, e.g., "You don't want that", "I'm sure he didn't mean to say that", or "No puppet. No puppet."
This is a quintessential example of the importance of correlating verbal and nonverbal behavior.
Another word is conspicuous in its absence. It should jump out at you. Donald Trump did NOT use the word "I". If he had true conviction in his denial, he should have said, "I'm no puppet" or "I'm not a puppet." When a person says, "Sorry" - or "Love you", their words don't carry anywhere near the weight, intentionality, or the emotions as, "I'm sorry" and "I love you". Trump left out the word "I" because he doesn't believe his own words. This is especially true when "I" is one of the most commonly spoken words across almost all languages. Trump is not taking ownership. His omission of the word "I" is amplified even further given Trump's narcissism. When a person with such a strong ego leaves off the first person singular pronoun - particularly in such an important rebuttal - red flags are raised.
All mentally-healthy human beings make this expression on occasion - but you should beware when you see the R2E2 used frequently or during particularly important moments. This behavior is a screaming red flag.
Donald Trump's nonverbal and paralanguage behavior indicates he's trying far too hard to convince us that he's not acting in concert with Vladimir Putin.
The full expression of the R2E2 nonverbal cluster is impossible to capture in a still image. Please watch the video several times at regular speed, 1/2 speed, 1/4 speed - and once again at regular speed to fully appreciate this behavior in context.
At multiple times during Secretary Clinton's response, Donald Trump nods his head up-and-down in a classic "Yes" affirmation. Trump nods five times in only 43 seconds, immediately following Clinton saying,
"... that the Russians have engaged in ..." (nodding yes during 27:59)
"... break up NATO ..." (nodding yes during 28:14 - 28:15)
"... do whatever he wants to do. And that you ..." (nodding yes during 28:17 - 28:18)
"... We have seventeen, seventeen intelligence agencies ..." (nodding yes during 28:37 - 28:38) "... who have all concluded that ..." (nodding yes during 28:42)
If candidate Trump disagreed with Secretary Clinton, he should have been shaking his head side-to-side in a "No" gesture (illustrator) after each of his opponent's statements, rather than in a "Yes" up-and-down dynamic. Trump's multiple nodding agreements are very clear nonverbal demonstrations that his subconscious agrees with Clinton regarding his clandestine cooperation with Putin - as well as with Russia's cyber attacks.
Mr. Trump only took four drinks of water during this 90-minute debate. It's not a coincidence that one of these occurred during 28:03 - 28:05, just after his puppet denial, and immediately after Secretary Clinton said, "... that the Russians have engaged in cyber attacks against the United States of America. That you encouraged ...".
Anxiety acts quickly to dry up one's mouth and sudden thirst is a powerful indicatorof this emotion.While anxiety alone does not imply deception, when taken in context with other verbal, paralanguage, and nonverbal indicators seen here - Trump's sudden dry mouth is highly suspicious.
Another strong anxiety tell is Trump's adjustment of his microphone. Donald Trump is very skilled at NOT touching his face when he's experiencing anxiety or while lying - which is highly unusual (although of course, he does occasionally do so). Most people - both the honest and the deceptive - touch their faces' far more often than the President does.
However, a surrogate behavior for facial touching is microphone adjustment - which Trump does fairly often. In the segment discussed here, he does so during 28:10 - 28:12, just after Hillary Clinton says, "... you are willing to spout the Putin
line ..."
Another dramatic insight into Trump's thought-emotions is displayed just after Clinton says, "... And that you continue to get help from him ..." - Trump smiles(28:20). This display is particularly important to watch at regular speed, 1/4, 1/2, and again at full speed. The image immediately above shows him just as his smile is forming. Note that his left side begins first - with the right side of his mouth momentarily suppressing it.
A split second later (also during 28:20), Trump closes both eyes in a variation of a "Joker Smile" (referring to court jesters, scary clowns, and the Batman villain). None of the candidate's teeth are visible and the shape of his mouth opening is completely wrong. Trump's mouth is vectored strongly to the sides (laterally) - rather than primarily vertically as it would be during a sincere smile. His bottom lip is curled momentarily out. This deliberate and hyperbolic expression of insincere surprise combined with an insincere smile is - always duplicitous.
A second later (during 28:21), Trump's center forehead elevates simultaneously with his false mouth smile. While everyone uses this expression once in a while, those who use it often (as Trump does, and not coincidentally, Putin as well) have a very high correlation with Antisocial Personality Disorder (commonly termed, 'Sociopaths').
Notice also, that Trump blushes during this moment. Blushing while smiling (feigned smiling) during denial has an extremely high correlation with deception.
Summary: Donald Trump's nonverbal behavior during this segment of the third 2016 Presidential Debate indicates he knew Russia was in the midst of a cyber-attack on the United States, that he welcomed it, and that Trump does, in fact, believe that he is subordinate to Vladimir Putin.
On 14 July 2017, the World learned that at least one additional person attended the 9 June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and Natalia Veselnitskaya. The President's son failed to disclose that Mr. Rinat Akhmetshin was also present.
Mr. Akhmetshin is a Russian-American lobbyist - as well as a former Soviet counterintelligence officer. He's also suspected to have continued ties with Russian intelligence.
But was anyone else in the room? Did Donald Trump authorize this meeting?
The video above is a segment of Sean Hannity's interview of Donald Trump Jr. from 11 July 2017. Their entire exchange lasted almost 20 minutes, however, a partial nonverbal analysis of a small, but crucial segment is included here.
HANNITY (continuing at 2:07): You said in a tweet, you would fully cooperate with any investigation
TRUMP JR: Of course
HANNITY: Completely
TRUMP JR: hundred percent
HANNITY: Turn over everything that they want - and you feel you already have
TRUMP JR: I be- [stuttering] Yes
HANNITY: Yeah, and you have nothing to hide - you wanna be - that means you'll testify under oath - all of that
TRUMP JR: All of it
At the end of Sean Hannity's sentence (2:16), "Turn over everything that they want - and you feel you already have", Donald Trump Jr. looks down and to his right. When eye contact momentarily diminishes during deception, the gaze most often deviates in this direction/quadrant.
Of monumental importance - Donald Trump Jr.'s mouth also momentarily adopts a Pursed Lip Configuration - more specifically a Forward Lip Purse (not to be confused with a Lateral Lip Purse).
A forward lip purse indicates a withheld disagreement and/or a clandestine plan.
Moreover, those who display the forward lip purse believe that they're the alpha - superior to those with whom they're speaking (or here, those who may be watching - the viewing audience - the betas).
In addition, individuals displaying a forward lip purse believe they have a good chance of successfully implementing and carrying out their plans.
You may have also noticed Donald Trump Jr. blinking with significantly increased frequency and duration. During this particularly long blink, he's looking straight down (the second most common direction of gaze deviation during deception) - as he says, "Yes" (2:16).
Immediately after saying, "I b- [stuttering] Yes", Donald Trump Jr. smiles - yet his mouth is asymmetrical (correlative with insincerity) - and of profound importance, he's simultaneously blushing (his blushing is easier to visualize in the dynamic context of the video).
Now, go back and watch the movement of Donald Trump Jr.'s head and neck when Sean Hannity asks, "You said in a tweet, you would fully cooperate with any investigation" - and "Completely" - as well as "Turn over everything that they want - and you feel you already have" and "that means you'll testify under oath - all of that" - after each of these prompts from Hannity, Donald Trump Jr. shook his head side-to-side in a classic "NO" gesture (illustrator). This is a five-alarm fire. Trump Jr. is very clearly disagreeing with Hannity's statements. The President's son's nonverbal behavior is saying that he won't cooperate and that he won't turn over everything to Robert Meuller.
This dynamic is impossible to capture in still images. Please watch the video to fully appreciate this behavior.
Looking further, you'll also note that Trump Jr. shrugs his shoulders very frequently during this entire interview (indicating very low confidence).
Donald Trump Jr.'s nonverbal cluster in this short exchange encompassesvariations of diminished eye contact including:
Blinking with increased frequency and duration
Looking Down to his Right
Looking Straight Down
Closing his eyes while saying, "Yes"
In addition, he displays:
Forward Lip Pursing
Asymmetrical Smiling
Blushing while smiling after saying "Yes"
Very frequent shoulder shrugging throughout this entire interview
Shaking his head side-to-side,"NO" - when he should have been nodding up-and-down, "Yes"
SUMMARY: Donald Trump, Jr.'s nonverbal behavior exhibited in this video is highly indicative of deception. The act of blushing during a smile (following an eyelid closure while saying, "yes")- as well as multiple displays of nodding "No" rather than "Yes" - and also forward lip pursing in the contexts described above - are all particularly damning signals.
Donald Trump Jr.'s nonverbal behavior in this interview also indicated, with a high degree of certainty, that an undisclosed strategy was being planned and/or executed.
Actors take note - for in an alternative reality, this clip could be used in a movie scene portraying quintessential guilt.
On 25 July 2018, , US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding President Trump's Summit with Vladimir Putin last week in Helsinki. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis highlighting a few key moments while undergoing questioning by Committee Chairman, Senator Bob Corker.
SENATOR BOB CORKER (continuing at 23:10): "So, why does he do those things? I mean, is there some strategy behind creating doubt in US senators' minds on both sides of the aisle? Doubt in the American people - as to what his motivations are - when in fact we have tremendous faith in you? I think you're a patriot. Tremendous faith in Mattis. But it's the President's actions that create tremendous distrust in our nation. Among our allies, it's palpable. We meet and talk with them. Is there a strategy to this - or is it - what, what is it that causes the President to purposely - purposely create distrust in these institutions and what we're doing?"
SECRETARY POMPEO: "Senator I just, I disagree with most of what you just said there. Ahum, you somehow disconnect the administration's activities from the president's actions. They're, they're, they're one in the same. Thee - every sanction that was put in place was signed off by the President of the United States, every spy that was removed was directed by the president."
As Senator Corker finishes his question, and as he begins his answer (during 23:51 - 23:54), Secretary Pompeo scratches the posterior aspect of his right ear.
This ear scratching nonverbal dynamic, in the context of a simultaneous verbal denial - particularly during an exchange when the ramifications are so very significant - is highly indicative of deception.
A bit further on, Corker continues...
BOB CORKER (at 25:09): I, I noticed that you - are not responding to what I'm saying
MIKE POMPEO: I think, I think I responded to everything that you had said Senator
BOB CORKER [overtalking]: Yeah .... Why I ...... Nah, no you didn't. And the fact is - that you, you just didn't okay.
MIKE POMPEO [overtalking]: [inaudible] .... We simply disagree Senator
BOB CORKER [overtalking]: No, we don't disagree that - Hell, let's run the transcript again if ya wanna talk about it
When a person feels contempt - they believe the other person (or group) is below them - fundamentally inferior. This is their belief. This is contempt. Pompeo believes Corker is beneath him.
The image above shows his expression in this moment - although it's impossible to fully capture the dynamic nature of a microexpression in a photograph. Please watch the video at regular speed, at 1/2 and 1/4 speeds - and again at regular speed.
SUMMARY: Secretary Pompeo's nonverbal behavior displayed in this video, indicates that, with very high probability, he was lying - and that he does indeed think that President Trump creates "doubt in US senators' minds on both sides of the aisle" and that"the President's actions ... create tremendous distrust in our nation" and "Among our allies" - and that Pompeo believes,the President "purposely create(s) distrust".
Moreover, Mike Pompeo's nonverbal behavior also shows he feels contempt for Bob Corker.
This image (and the cropped close-ups below) show Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin just prior to beginning their joint press conference during last week's Helsinki Summit.
It is only an instant in time - but from a nonverbal perspective, it's very telling (see below for other, more comprehensive analyses of this same presser).
Look at the overall posture of each man. Putin's spine is upright - perpendicular to the floor with his shoulders relaxed and squared. Holding notes, his hands and arms are flexed with mild activity. His body looks relaxed, ready, and confident.
President Trump is in the midst of stepping - so this is not
entirely an apples-to-apples comparison - however, his shoulders are hunched with his torso leaning forward - while his neck is also foreshortened. This makes him look weak - like he doesn't really want to be there. His arms should not be resting at his sides in this moment - for it gives him the appearance of an enlisted man, standing at attention (or a subordinate facing reprimand).
Trump also forgot to button his suit-jacket (or prefers it). In this setting, such casualness elevates President Putin (making him look athletic, classy, and assertive) and diminishes President Trump. It also accentuates their age difference (the Russian is 65 and the American is 72).
Putin's posture projects health,
vigor, and dominance - while Trump's configuration conveys a tired,
stressed, and submissive emotional tone.
President Trump's head, neck, and
eyes are all directed downward during this crucial entrance onto what is,
very much, the World Stage. The expression on Trump's face is projecting anxiety and low confidence. Trump is preoccupied. He's not fully present - he's not 'in the moment'.
President Putin's expression projects a smug confidence. He knows he's 'already won' before the first word is spoken.
SUMMARY: Trump's nonverbal behavior in this pre-presser moment
is worried, tired, and subservient - while Putin is confident, relaxed,
and dominant. Vladimir Putin looks like he wrote the script - while Donald Trump looks worried, shell-shocked, acquiescing - as if he's trying to remember his lines.
Carter Page has been a focus of the Special Counsel Investigation being led
by Robert Mueller. It's been alleged that Page acted as a conduit
between Donald Trump and/or Trump's associates and Russian officials during the
2016 Presidential Election.
Yesterday, the FBI released a version of a FISA warrant application regarding Carter Page. The document, although highly redacted, states, "The FBI believes that Page has been collaborating and conspiring with
the Russian government," in addition to "there is
probable cause that such activities involve or are about to involve
violations of the criminal statutes of the United States."
Carter Page was a guest this morning on CNN's State of The Union. Jake
Tapper pressed him several times regarding any current and past relationships
with the Russian government. What follows is a partial nonverbal
analysis focusing on one of Page's prevalent nonverbal tendencies: Why is Carter Page so often in a state of near-constant smiling?
Some people have a strong tendency toward smiling - essentially a default reaction - when they're deceiving, attempting to deceive - or being confronted with accusations of wrongdoings. This behavior is usually a longstanding, conditioned response. It's a tic-like phenomenon - which typically begins in childhood.
Early in life, these "Default Smilers" learn that they're not very skilled at suppressing their smiles - particularly when it's out-of-context - such as in the midst of deceiving.
Duping Delight is a related phenomenon whereby a person takes pleasure - true
joy-happiness - in the act of fooling another person or believing they have successfully pulled off a lie. Their smiling - which is often subtle and evanescent - when displayed out-of-context, gives them away.
Since Default Smilers have long-since learned they can't hide their guilt by suppressing their smile,
instead, their psyches take the opposite tactic - they smile continually so that
others will not be able to detect them breaking character. This is a bit like using excessive frosting trying to cover up a burnt cake.
Default Smiling often begins early in life as Duping Delight - but it then evolves into something else: an over-compensatory behavior in an effort to hide deception in plain sight.
Carter Page displays the additional signals of:
• Repeated/near constant blushing • Prolonged blinking
• Hard swallows (e.g., during 6:12)
• Unstable vocal quality/shakiness
• Not answering Tapper's questions
• Hyperbolic denials
• Stuttering/stammering
• Hedging word choices
• Jaw confessionals (e.g., 4:55 [shown above], 6:11).
SUMMARY: Carter Page's nonverbal behavior during this interview indicates, that with high probability, he is lying - and that he has, in some significant capacity, collaborated with Russian government officials. He exhibits multiple deception tells. Intriguingly, his nonverbal state of near-constant smiling (default smiling) is a long-standing mechanism to compensate for his poor poker face (e.g., "If I'm always smiling, they won't be able to tell when I'm lying").
This nonverbal analysis is (thus far) the second dissection of the Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit on this site (see below for a link to the first one).
What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis of the Helsinki Presser focusing on several key responses of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump -
as Trump is answering a question from Jeff Mason (Reuters).
JEFF MASON (beginning at 4:27:16): Thank you. Mr. President, you tweeted this morning that it's U.S. foolishness, stupidity, and the Mueller probe that is responsible for the decline in U.S. relations with Russia. Do you hold Russia at all accountable for anything in particular? And if so, what would you, what would you consider them - that they are responsible for?
During 4:27:44 - 4:27:46,Vladimir Putin displays a Tongue in Cheek dynamic, just AFTER Donald Trump says, "Yes I do. I hold, ah, both countries responsible. I think the that
the United States has been foolish. I think we've all been foolish. We
shoulda ..." and AS Trump says, "had this dialogue a long time".
Putin displays another Tongue-in-Cheek nonverbal as Trump is saying, "long time, frankly" (during 4:27:47 - 4:27:49).
Yet another Tongue-in-Cheek display is manifested by the Russian President as Trump says, "But, ah" (4:28:08 - 4:28:09).
And Putin displays a fourth Tongue-in-Cheek display as Trump is saying, "I think it's" (during 4:28:19).
In this context, a Tongue-in-Cheek display is a strong nonverbal indicator of the thought-emotions of "I Just Won" - or more colloquially, "I gotcha"! There's also a significant emotional tone of smugness projected with the Tongue-in Cheek dynamic.
During 4:28:05 - 4:28:07, just after Donald Trump says, "... whether it's nuclear proliferation in terms of stopping, we have to do it...", Vladimir Putin scratches the region just in front of his right ear.
When displayed by a person who is listening (here, Putin), this specific signal is highly indicative of hearing someone (Trump) say something with
which they disagree - or something they believe to be an attempt at deception.
Intriguingly, the number of scratches in front of the ear is virtually always four to six. Vladimir Putin scratches four times.
In this context - when it's being displayed by the alleged co-conspirator - in real-time, during an active denial - this facial display is an absolute red flag. It's an air raid siren blaring six inches away.
Please watch this expression on the video to fully appreciate the dynamics and context of Putin's facial display.
If we pan-out the camera and look over at Donald Trump, we notice that Trump's hands are retracted posteriorly and withdrawn to the center of his body. They had previously been holding the sides of the lectern (toward the front). In this segment, he maintains this posture from 4:28:14 through 4:28:46 (notated by the ∆ symbol). The subjects about which Trump was speaking during this time include Robert Mueller's investigation, allegations of collusion, his 2016 presidential campaign, and Hillary Clinton.
Although we cannot see his hands directly they are either in a Fig Leaf configuration (also known as Genital Guarding) - or very nearly so.
The fig leaf is a particularly Beta body posture. When we see this dynamic change, it projects weakness and vulnerability to the subjects being discussed.
Moreover, when standing on stage with another person, the one displaying a fig-leaf is signaling his subordination. The American President feels he is Putin's subordinate.
SUMMARY: Analysis of Vladimir Putin in the above-described video segment of The Helsinki Summit, demonstrates that the Russian President's thought-feelings indicate that he strongly believes he has won the game he is playing with Trump.
Alarmingly, this evaluation also shows that Putin believes that nuclear proliferation should NOT be curtailed - and/or he believes Trump is lying when Trump is saying this.
In addition, and of profound importance, Putin does NOT believe Trump's statement, "There was no collusion - at all". Because the alleged collusion on Trump's part would have to have been coordinated with and conducted by Putin and/or his surrogates, this finding nonverbally indicts both leaders.
Moreover, this nonverbal analysis also demonstrates that Donald Trump has significantly low confidence with regard tohis 2016 campaign, the results of the Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton - and toward the investigation led by United States Special Counsel Robert Mueller. In addition, Trump himself feels that he is Putin's subordinate.