Emmanuel Macron just gave his New Year's Eve address. The new French President is a more skilled communicator than most heads-of-state, yet during his speech, he repeatedly committed a nonverbal faux pas.
All too often, there's a considerable disconnect between what truly engenders rapport - and a leader's behavior. And although the vast majority of people are guilty of not recognizing their emotional intelligence foibles, with politicians we see this divergence daily. Moreover, as the size of the audience grows, this phenomenon is displayed with more frequency and severity.
Outside of a few specific cultural exceptions and within the contexts of religion - hands should never be held in Prayer configuration when communicating. Termed the "Pseudoprayer", this nonverbal behavior conveys a patronizing, arrogant, and condescending emotional tone. Moreover, the additional dynamic of an up-and-down chopping motion amplifies these negative feelings. It's a rapport destroyer.
In the image above, Trump is sitting - in what for him - is a very rare configuration. His right leg is crossing over his left knee/distal thigh in a "European Style". Although we can't see his right foot - from the angle of his leg, we know it's probably pointing at the Chinese President. In this context, such a foot angle projects respect and/or deference.
Note that President Xi has both feet flat on the floor. This body language transmits his greater levels of confidence and strength. The angle of his legs are also not excessively splayed. In addition, although his head/face are turned toward President Trump, President Xi's torso, hips, legs - and probably his feet - are pointed straight forward. This conveys relatively less respect of Xi toward Trump.
President Xi also is seated in his own chair - which gives him a significant advantage. The Chinese leader's personal space is protected - whereas President Trump is seated in a less protected - and more "public" space.
Contrast Trump's meeting with Xi vs. this second image from a 60 minutes interview (September 2015). Note how then-candidate Trump is sitting with legs very widely spread in an extreme example of a "Seated Crotch Display" (colloquially known as "Manspreading"). He's also leaning forward with his torso - and with his hands in a "Low Steeple" (Conventional Low Steeple). This is President Trump's primary default seated display - it's overly-dominant, aggressive, and not recommended.
Summary: President Trump's nonverbal behavior in the first image (with President Xi Jinping), although not beta in an absolute sense - is relatively beta when placed in dynamic context with Xi's alpha body language. Although he was on his home turf, Trump committed the tactical error of not planning ahead by not controlling the physical space of the meeting. In this moment, Xi is projecting more power and less respect toward Trump. Most notably, President Trump's deviation from his normal hyper-alpha seating position demonstrates Trump was considerably off his game with President Xi.
Multiple requests for the re-posting of this article (from 2015) have been made in the last several days. It's included here in its entirety (with updated cross-reference links at the end of the article).
When Frank Luntz asked Trump (beginning at 7:28), "Have you ever asked God for forgiveness?", the 2016 Republican presidential candidate initially couldn't answer the question. His circuitous and evasive response detailed how he attended church, loves God, loves his church as well as praise for his (former) pastor, Norman Vincent Peale (who passed twenty-four years ago). Yet Mr. Luntz had to ask him the question again, "But have you ever asked God for forgiveness?"
8:34.3 - During 8:34- 8:35, simultaneous with Luntz's words, "..... God for forgiveness?"
- we see a fantastic example of what is known as a "Tongue Jut" - and more specifically a "Tight Tongue Jut" (not to be confused with a Loose Tongue Jut - which has a completely different meaning). This subconsciously initiated nonverbal signal projects the feeling of Disdain, Disgust, and Repulsion.
8:35.2 - Notice how drawn up and tight Trump's mouth opening is as his tongue
jut begins. To anyone who has ever fed an infant who doesn't care for his food - the configuration of Donald's mouth and lips are highly
reminiscent. Trump's tongue too - much like any baby not wanting his
pureed peas seems to be trying to physically push out the
unwanted question.
8:35.5 - This series of facial nonverbal signals (in the first three images) can even be associated with
levels of physical nausea (In fact, if you try to replicate this facial
expression right now - you may even bring on micro-nausea in yourself).
8:36 - An instant later, we see another emotional display - with a jaw jut, nasal flaring, mid-face tightening, dramatic thinning of the lips, partial closure of the eyelids, lower lid tension and a strong lateral vectoring of the corners of his mouth - all indicate a significant level of anger.
Summary: Certainly everyone in the United States (including then Candidate Trump of
course) has the legal right to practice or not practice any religion or
spirituality. Yet Trump's response is quite interesting - and very telling - for his nonverbal behavior indeed
shows great hesitancy - and disdain, disgust, and repulsion for the question - over and
above his more obvious verbal balking. Mr. Trump very much does not want
to answer the question and moreover, he's angry that it was asked.
In the June 2016 British edition of GQ, Dwayne Johnson said, "I’ll be honest, I haven’t ruled politics out. I’m not being coy when I say that, but at the moment I am not sure. I can’t deny that the thought of being governor, the thought of being president, is alluring. And beyond that, it would be an opportunity to make a real impact on people’s lives on a global scale. But there are a lot of other things I want to do first."
In July 2016, Johnson was interviewed by ABC News where he said, "The idea of me being president one day has become a legit thing to some people. If it is an overwhelming positive strong, ‘We want you to run for President’ [sentiment] and if I felt that I could step up to the plate and become a tremendous leader and make a real difference and make change, I would do it."
Dwayne Johnson was recently a guest on The Graham Norton Show. During the show, Norton brought up his possible bid for the US Presidency in 2020.
The following discussion is a partial nonverbal analysis of this interaction on Norton's Show. GRAHAM NORTON: A, now I have to say - talking of crowds cheering - and the rumors are - the rumors are - Dwayne Johnson - President - 2020.
DWAYNE JOHNSON [beginning during 0:08]: Ahhh, wow, [inaudible]
AUDIENCE: Loud cheering
Within a few seconds, we see a series of nonverbal displays ...
As Mr. Johnson says, "Ahhh, wow, [inaudible]", he:
• Nods up-and-down
• Displays a Sincere Smile
• Blushes
• Looks Down to His Right
• After about 3 seconds, he then briefly shakes his head side-to-side (during 0:11)
• It's difficult to hear what he says after "Ahhh, wow",
however, it sounds like he says "yeah" - albeit quietly.
(Please watch this portion of the video at regular and 1/2 speed, as the dynamic nature of these displays are not all able to be captured in with still image)
We see here an interesting juxtaposition of first, an up-and-down head nod - followed shortly thereafter by a side-to-side head shake. While the up-and-down dynamic is a reliable signal of an acknowledgment (also because it was immediate) - the side-to-side motion, particularly with his sincere smile, blushing, looking down to his right (betraying a highly emotional context) - signal joyous-overwhelm-disbelief. This side-to-side nonverbal display is extremely common and often confused with a "no" signal (e.g., With winners of talent shows, contests, etc.).
During 0:11 - 0:12, The Rock pinches his left pinky finger with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. This MAP (Manipulator, Adaptor, Pacifier) is a nonspecific anxiety display.
During 0:12 - 0:15, Dwayne Johnson reaches for his drink. Reaching for and/or then taking a drink are often seen as stalling techniques - although these are usually subconsciously initiated.
During 0:16, Dwayne Johnson:
• Straightens his jacket
• Sits in a wider seated-crotch display than he been doing only a few seconds earlier
• Broadens his shoulders/Flexes His chest
• Tilts back (extends) his head and neck
These are all Alpha-Upregulating behaviors - and this cluster is commonly seen in seen with alpha males - who are in the midst of a need to further "dial-up" their alpha emotions. This combination would be very rare during deception - particularly in such a public arena and concerning a topic with profound ramifications.
During 0:18, The Rock flicks his wrist in a watch-adjustment maneuver. This is another alpha-upregulating behavior. This would also be quite rare behavior during a lie.
Johnson then evades answering the Presidential question as he launches into a story. During 0:33 the Rock misspeaks as he says, "... this guy to my right ..." while pointing at Kevin Hart, who is seated at his left.
Summary: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's nonverbal, paralanguage, and verbal behavior during this video all indicate he is seriously considering a run for the US Presidency in 2020.
Even Vladimir Putin sometimes slips and betrays his real feelings. Although the former KGB officer is highly skilled - he's only human. In this image from earlier this year, we see him in a relatively rare moment when his true emotions were revealed in public.
Biting one's upper lip - as with all body language displays - must always be interpreted in the context of the "nonverbal sentence" in which it appears.
Here we see the cluster of:
• Elevated Central Forehead Contraction (CFC)
• Both Eyebrows are Overall being Lowered
• Simultaneously, the Inner (Medial) Eyebrows are also being Elevated
• Partially Closed Upper Eyelids
• Flared Nostrils
• Tightened "Mustache Area"
• Biting Upper Lip
This is a classic array of Anxiety. Of particular note - are the juxtaposed tensions in his forehead. It may come as a surprise that the eyebrows as a unit can be lowered while simultaneously being pulled upward (here the inner eyebrows - along with his central forehead). Whenever two closely approximated (or even the same) tissues are being pulled in opposite directions - it's a signal of strong Emotional Dissonance. In this example, the Russian President's conscious mind doesn't want his feelings to show - and yet his underlying anxiety, for a few seconds, was captain of the ship..
Understandably, most people who are curious about body language, are particularly interested in lie detection. Yet, just as valuable, and perhaps even more so - is the ability to discern insincerity. For those individuals who are insincere may very well NOT be lying in that moment - but they're very likely to lie - lie often - and lie regarding profoundly
important matters.
This begs the Question: What are some nonverbal signals of insincerity?
Answer: There are many body language insincerity tells - but one of the most common and reliable is the overly-frequent contraction
of the forehead muscles.
Of course, we all use our foreheads to express our feelings - and we should - for it's an important part of normal human emotional display. However, when it's done too frequently - and especially when it's out of context - it's a signal that that person is trying too hard. They do not feel true conviction in their words alone. It's the nonverbal equivalent of using ten exclamation marks when only one is necessary.
Most all politicians are guilty of insincerity - and Ambassador Nikki Haley is but one of many (regardless of their political beliefs) who exemplifies this frequent forehead contraction pattern. Other professions where this nonverbal behavior is exceptionally common are - unskilled actors, pundits, sales professionals, and attorneys. Yet to overgeneralize is unwise - anyone, in any profession can be insincere.
Summary: Unmasking those individuals who show patterns of chronic insincerity is just as important as detecting deception. Overly-frequent contraction of the forehead muscles is one reliable and common insincerity display.
A few moments later, during 0:57, just as Ambassador Haley says, "... that nation is asked to pay for the privilege of being disrespected. ...", she:
• Retracts her torso, head, and neck
• Contracts and Elevates the entire width of her forehead
• Actively partially closes both of her upper eyelids
Opposite movements of adjacent tissues - e.g., the upper eyelids moving down (partially closing) - while the nearby tissues of eyebrows and forehead are moving up - is an unnatural dynamic and a nonverbal red flag.
This nonverbal cluster expression dynamic projects an amalgam of:
Summary: During her speech to the UN on Thursday 21 December 2017, Ambassador Nikki Haley's nonverbal behavior projected the emotions of Disgust, Contempt, Arrogance, and Feigned Disbelief - toward any UN members who would disagree with President Trump's stance regarding the United States' recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Kevin Spacey was the actor cast as J. Paul Getty in the just released film, All the Money in the World. Yet after multiple allegations of sexual assault were brought forth against Spacey, his character was replaced with actor Christopher Plummer - and the necessary scenes were re-filmed.
What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis of Michelle Williams (who plays Gail Harris, the primary protagonist) - and her feelings regarding Spacey within interview in the above video.
JOURNALIST (beginning at 1:11): Were you friends with Kevin Spacey, I mean - were you surprised by these accusations, revelations?
As she says, "... interaction", and for about 2 seconds afterward (1:16 - 1:18), Ms. Williams scratches her nose with her right thumb. You'll also note that her forehead is contracted, her eyebrows are elevated, and her upper eyelids are opened slightly wider. Moreover, Michelle Williams sounded like a politician, because she did not answer the questions regarding any friendship with Kevin Spacey or whether she was surprised at the accusations.
This indirect verbal denial (a non-denial denial), coupled with her cluster of nonverbal behavior - particular the nose scratch timed as it was - is highly indicative of deception.
Now go back a few seconds, during 1:11 - 1:12, as the journalist asks his question. Michelle Williams is bouncing (extending and flexing) her legs. This is significant as a general signal of anxiety.
But look closer - where are Michelle's hands? They are beneath her left thigh. In this context, this strongly transmits emotions of a hesitancy to discuss and/or hesitancy to disclose. In the vast majority of her camera time shown here, her hands are in this same position - (except when she scratches her nose, and then only with her right hand - and it goes immediately back beneath her thigh).
Beginning at 3:34, Michelle Williams says, "I had felt like, 'here we go again', like it's all about - it's all about the - abuser - and that's the tyranny of abuse, that it's all about them, and we're all living in the aftermath of their actions."
As she says, "... tyranny of abuse, that it's...", Michelle Williams displays a snarl-like configuration (during 3:43 - 3:44, characterized by the contraction and elevation of her right mid-face) - which is an excellent example of a classic Contempt display.
Summary: Michelle Williams is a very accomplished actor. She's been nominated for Oscars as best actress (Blue Valentine) and best-supporting actress (Brokeback Mountain). Yet, when Michelle is not in character (and is allowed a retake, or two) - when she's just being Michelle - she is no better at lying than most people. Ms. Williams was either friends with Spacey (prior to the accusations) and/or she was surprised by the allegations against him. But what is not surprising, is that Michelle Williams now has significant contempt for Kevin Spacey.
A variation of Arm Crossing is the Double-Arm Grip. The President displays this most notably from 6:00 to 8:16. While less extreme in its beta emotional tone than arm crossing, it too is significant for defensiveness, emotional discomfort, and low confidence.
Despite his verbal language, Donald Trump's nonverbal behavior is guarded. No confident person grips each forearm in this manner. Try sitting at your own desk, while first talking and gesturing with your arms apart, palms-up. Next, speak the same words while gripping each forearm. Contrast how you feel in each position.
This forearm gripping is also yet another method to (partially) suppress excessive hand motion. Although primarily subconsciously controlled (with some edge-of-consciousness effect), in addition to the behavioral causes described above, this phenomenon is also another method to suppress and camouflage a drug side-effect and/or a medical movement/tremor/tremor-like disorder.
Yesterday, President Trump held a cabinet meeting prior to the US House vote on the tax bill. Many have inquired as to the significance of the President crossing his arms during the meeting. Over the past several months, Donald Trump has crossed his arms with increasing duration and frequency. To put this in historical-behavioral context, you'd be hard-pressed to find a single photo of any past US president crossing their arms during public events or meetings.
It's crucial to note that the President's hands are constantly hidden during his arm-crossing.
The video above is 18:04 in duration (1084 seconds) during which Donald Trump crossed his arms five times for a total of 325 seconds or 29.98% of the time.
Another intriguing detail of his behavior was demonstrated during the prayer - wherein he flexes/flicks/bends his wrists, with clasped hands twelve times. He also clasps and unclasps his hands multiple times. All this movement takes place in the space of 1 minute, 26 seconds. You'll note, even the videographer zoomed in on Trump's hands. Why can't the President maintain a prayer posture for 90 seconds?
During the entire remainder of the video, the president's hands are rarely free or isolated: 99% of the time, he was either clasping the other hand, grasping his left wrist/forearm with his right hand, grasping both wrists, etc. And similar to the prayer dynamic, his fists and/or clasped hands repeatedly raise up and down in a wrist flexing/extending motion.
You may recall during the recent FBI graduation ceremony prayer, President Trump looked up and opened his eyes (while everyone else bowed their heads and eyes closed). He also irreverently twisted/rotated his torso several times. During this graduation, his right hand was also in motion - as he patted his chest multiple times when the national anthem was played.
Now contrast these two videos. The one immediately above was from 26 February 2016 during the
campaign (approximately 22 months ago) as Donald Trump was mocking Marco Rubio.
Notice that then-candidate Trump had an easy time
drinking from a water bottle during a campaign event (0:36 - 1:16). If you look carefully, he is gripping the bottle with only a thumb and (at most) two fingers.
Now contrast this to the next video of Donald Trump taking a drink only days ago, on 18 December 2017. The contrast is striking.
Watching the slow, two-handed drinking posture of the President (at 6:50 and 17:01) is painful to see.
This cluster of behavior is due to both behavioral/psychological - as well as medical etiologies.
Crossing one's arms - with hands hidden is a classic signal of defensiveness-related anxiety. This Beta behavior telegraphs his insecurity and low confidence - which is why this body language is virtually historically nonexistent in past presidents during meetings or public appearances.
Yet the President's increasing frequency and duration of his hand dynamics strongly suggests a movement disorder or tremor/tremor-like phenomenon. Moreover, his excessive hand movements are highly out-of-context - such as during prayers - and when his hand is supposed to be held still over his heart during the National Anthem. It very much appears that his hands cannot be at rest without gripping, grasping, being braced, etc. Causes include a variety of medical conditions (most likely involving the Central Nervous System) as well as drug side-effects.
Summary: The president's increased duration and frequency of arm crossing project his growing beta emotions of anxiety, insecurity, and low confidence. In addition, with high probability, the President appears to be unable to hold his hands and arms still for more than a few seconds - crossing his arms, making fists, flexing/extending his wrists, grasping the opposite hand/wrist/arm, moving during solemn and out-of-context moments (prayers, national anthem) - all in an effort to disguise/camouflage a medical movement disorder and/or a drug side-effect.