Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2653: Carey Mulligan - Blunted Surprise and ... Body Language on Jimmy Kimmell, Part I (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Carey Mulligan is promoting her most recent film "Inside Llewyn Davis" and was featured in a video clip from a recent appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live". Note: The original video has, since the original post, been removed from its online source. The images below however, were captured from this video.

At 1:30 the dialog continues....

Kimmel: "What are you going to do f-, do you go back to England for the Holidays?"

Mulligan: "I do, yeah, I go back to London."

Kimmel: "That seems like it is the best place to have Chr-, the most Christmassy place to have Christmas."

Mulligan: "I can't, yeah, I can't really ... The American Christmases seem [surprise at 1:45] Not, No offense."

Kimmel: "Oh, [Laughs] uh, oh."

Mulligan: "Awful."

Kimmel: [Continues Laughter]

At 1:45 Mulligan manifests a blunted microexpression of surprise with fear. They are blunted due to of Botox over-treatment on the upper half of her upper face. Here we see that not only does her forehead minimally contract (her eyebrows do shoot upwards for a fraction of a second - yet there are no transient and otherwise normal-for-context, co-existing furrows on her forehead), but her eyelids barely open wider than they were a moment before.

This is a very muted surprise response particularly for an actor and considerably inhibits her (or anyone's) ability for full or even mild emotional expression.

Two tenths of a second later.

Her neck tightens moderately ("Neck of fear").

At 1:46

Hands with palms towards the audience with a downward motion in a subconscious attempt to mollify offense to the audience. 

Tightly clenched intertwined fingers in a MAP (Manipulator, Adaptor, Pacifier) display of high anxiety.

Note the color of her hands, forearms and face from a transient change in blood flow.

A sincere smile with increased blushing of her face is seen at 1:48. True (sincere) surprise is virtually always followed by (or coexistent with) one or two other emotions. Here is embarrassment is seen and above we saw fear manifested.

Mulligan's bilateral "Hair Adjust Behind Ear" body language is commonly seen during moments when the alpha qualities are being dialed-up and assertiveness is being engaged.

Here embarrassment continues.

If surprise is not rapidly followed by a second emotion, there is a very high probability the surprise is at least false (fake) or exaggerated.

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2395:  Carey Mulligan on Jimmy Fallon  on The Great Gatsby & Acting with Leonardo DiCaprio

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2632: "The Sound of Music", Carrie Underwood and a Key Body Language Limiting Element

Negotiation Nonverbal Communication Secret # 1261:  True Surprise - Rarely Captured  IMF Director Christine Lagarde

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2170:  The San Francisco Giants, Surprise,  Bird Poop and Body Language

Negotiation Nonverbal Communication Secret # 1171:  Not So Fast Swift ....  Taylor's False Surprise

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2454:  NTSB Chairwoman Deborah Hersman & a  Subtle "Neck of Fear"

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2498:  McKenzie Morgan,  17 Year-Old Solo Pilot Walks Away From Crash  Partial Mouth and Neck of Fear Body Language 

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2169:  President Obama's Deputy Campaign Manager  Stephanie Cutter, Causes of Blushing & -  Blushing in the Neck and Peri-Sternal Region .... 

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2379:  Bill Clinton's Speech at the  George W. Bush Presidential Library Opening  Body Language of Former and Current President

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2177:  "I'm Tired of Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney" -  We're all Abigael Evans Dialing up her Alpha  
