Monday, December 23, 2013

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2651: Peyton Manning sets a Single Season Touchdown Record - Body Language at Press Conference (PHOTO)

Yesterday Peyton Manning reclaimed the NFL's single season passing touchdown record from Tom Brady. He has thrown for 51 and still has a game left in the regular season to up his total. He also stands a more-than-likely chance of eclipsing Drew Brees's record of total yards passing (5476) for a single season.

In the image above (via press conference yesterday), Peyton Manning can be seen speaking with an asymmetrical mouth - something that for him is a normal, baseline behavior. He is however also projecting another (simultaneous) superimposed facial expression. Occasionally speaking out of one side of the mouth will be a signal of insincerity (not the case here with Mr. Manning) - and this will be accurately (if often subconsciously) interpreted even by those with no body language training. Asymmetrical mouth configurations during speech can also signal contempt or regret (Can you differentiate theses expressions?). Here Peyton is displaying neither contempt nor regret though (and regret can be expressed bilaterally as well).

A form of "nonverbal swagger" is seen when a person speaks out of one side of his/her mouth during a suppressed and sincere smile. Great care must be taken to avoid interpreting this swagger body language when the "smile" is insincere (aka false smile or social smile or other expression) - thus indicating a completely different emotion status.

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2622: Tom Brady and Peyton Manning, What Faces Reveal - Body Language in Foxborough

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 1709:  Peyton Manning's Agent Does Not Fully Believe

Negotiation Nonverbal Communication Secret # 1253:  Peyton Manning's Bitter Smile

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2356:  Michelle Obama's "as a Busy Single Mother" comment -  What her Body Language Tells Us

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2312:  Bruce Willis' Body Language -  Contempt vs. Suppressed Smile vs.  Pseudo Smile vs. Sincere Smile

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2455:  Eliot Spitzer's Running for Office  Asymmetry in the Facial Expression, Sincerity &  Norah O'Donnell is Not Just Another Pretty Face

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2650: Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Pardoned by Putin, is Released from Prison, One Important Thing His Body Language Tells Us
