Friday, December 13, 2013

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2638: North Korean Senior Official Chang Song-taek (aka Jang Sung-thaek) Executed, Body Language Tells (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

North Korean senior official, Chang Song-taek (aka Jang Sung-thaek) was publicly expelled from the Worker's Party of Korea (the ruling party of North Korea) on 8 December 2013 after reports surfaced via South Korean intelligence that he had removed from his post on 3 December. Among other things, "He was accused of having committed 'anti-party, counter-revolutionary factional acts', including illicit affairs with women, harboring 'politically-motivated ambition', weakening 'the party's guidance over judicial, prosecution and people's security bodies', and obstructing 'the nation's economic affairs'. " Yesterday the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) announce he had been executed.

Jang Sung-thaek was married to Kim Kyong-hui - who is the aunt of Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader of North Korea (his uncle by marriage).

In the above photo, Jang Sung-thaek is dressed in the green and red military uniform. Note Jang's mouth. It is configured in what is known as a "Forward (loose) Lip Purse". This nonverbal sign is highly characteristic for clandestine disagreement. It signals there is a large disparity between what a person is thinking and what they express openly. It also indicates that the person displaying this forward lip purse believes that they have a reasonable chance of success with their alternative plan/idea/action. This body language also signifies that they believe they enjoy some significant alpha qualities with who(m) they disagree.

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 1705:  North Korean Statues of Kim Jong-il & Kim Il-sun

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2623: Kim Jong-un Impersonator - A Valuable Body Language Tell

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2367:  North Korea, Jay Carney and  Body Language Tells from the White House Press Room

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2364:  Kim jong-un Tells a Lie to His Generals  North Korea, Body Language and Third Rate Vetting

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2368:  John Kerry & Xi Jinping in Beijing to Discuss North Korea -  Body Language of Anxiety & Assertiveness

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2319:  Dennis Rodman Hugging Kim Jong-un ...  Body Language Tells

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2446:  Harry Reid's Lip Purse -  Body Language, the Immigration Bill & Negotiation

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2540: Rep. Darrell Issa 'Snaps' at Reporter - Was His Anger Real or Fake? Body Language and the Forward Lip Purse 
