Senator Rand Paul gave a speech recently at the 2013 CPAC meeting, part of which is included in this video . During multiple occasions in the above edited video (e.g. at 0:30 - 0:31, 1:13 - 1:14 & 1:37 - 1:38) the junior Senator from Kentucky displays variations on the nonverbal known as the "Lip Purse". A lip purse is a highly reliable signal of clandestine disagreement and/or partial disclosure of one's facts and/or intent. It is displayed by someone who feels they have relative power and their lack of full disclosure is coupled with a plan. Only relative-alphas (which is also context-dependent) display the lip purse - thus it signals their belief that they also have the resources and the power to execute their plan/idea.
At 0:30 - 0:31, Senator Paul's lip purse is mildly to moderately tight (note the thinned upper lip) - which along with clandestine withholding of information also signifies an anger component.
At 1:13 - 1:14. This is standard lip purse.
At 1:37 - 1:38. Paul's lip purse is tightened as well - only here he is trying to suppress laughter. The laughter component is easily seen when watching the video.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2072: Jay Carney's Lip Purse while NOT commenting on Mitt Romney's Visits to the U.K., Israel and Poland
Negotiation Nonverbal Communication Secret # 1055: Tom Brady's Very Subtle Lip Purse
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2216: Senator Jim DeMint's Body Language - Lip Purse, Suppressed Smile, Duping Delight & Retiring Early
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 4949: Colin Kaepernick's Body Language of Clandestine Disagreement at Press Conference
Negotiation Secret # 9: Nancy Pelosi's Dramatic Lip Purse
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2265: Ryan Gosling pulls a woman from audience on Conan - His Classic Body Language Tell
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2088: McKayla Maroney's Expression - Everyone Got it Wrong 2012 Olympic Vault Silver Medalist