Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2584: Darnell Barton - Hero with Body Language of De-Escalation (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

On 18 October 2013, bus driver Darnell Barton pulled over on a busy bridge while driving his high school students home. He stopped and spoke to a woman who everyone else was ignoring (Diffusion of Responsibility Phenomenon). She had climbed over the guard railing and was about to jump off - when the man known as "Big Country" by his friends acted from his heart. After stopping the bus, speaking to and then embracing the "distraught and disconnected" woman - he helped her back over the railing. Then Darnell instinctively used his body language in a manner from which many could learn.

After he helped her "back from the ledge", Mr. Barton sits down fully on the side of the bridge while he continues to partially embrace the stranger-in-need. This simple yet highly significant action of lowering himself physically to her level - first establishing immediate rapport and then even lower - which actively disengages and deescalates her from suicide behavior (e.g., I'm no threat, I'm your friend, I'm relaxed) - comes very naturally to those with high empathy quotients.

Tears of Joy Mr. Barton. Tears of Joy.

See also:

Negotiation Body Language Secret # 441:  Bill Clinton's Rapport and His Temporary Universe

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2412:  Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, the Woolwich attack  and the Killing of Lee Rigby

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2565: Goblin Valley State Park - Knocking over Hoodoo Rock Formation - Body Language of Boy Scout "Leaders"

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2523:  Hillary Clinton, Body Language and the 2016 Presidency -  Rapport Builder vs. Rapport Destroyer

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2341:  Angela Bassett Interview -  Rationalization Rapport Empathy Expression  R2E2, Body Language & "Olympus has Fallen"

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2577: Bill Clinton and Terry McAuliffe - Alpha and Beta Body Language

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2534: Bill and Hillary are going to be Grandparents; President Clinton's Body Language is Telling Us that Chelsea is Pregnant

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2282:  Jay Carney and the Dominant Spider -  White House Press Secretary's Body Language re:  National Labor Relations Board Vacancies
