Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant was recently featured on a Washington Post Live panel along with New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez and Jack Markell - Delaware's top office holder. The event was centered around the topic of how to ensure good reading skills to children by the end of third grade.
Gov. Bryant was asked by the moderator, how America has gotten "so mediocre" with regards to education. He responded, "... I think - parents became - both parents started working - and the mom is in the workplace - it's not a bad thing - I'm going to get in trouble - I can just see - I, I, I - I can see those emails tomorrow!"
Below are three key images which tell us what Gov. Bryant was thinking-feeling. In the first image (0:21 - 0:22 in video) he is scratching about half way between his left eye and left ear - on cheek bone (zygomatic process of temporal bone). This is an example of a MAP (Manipulator, Adaptor, Pacifier) which indicates anxiety and more specifically in this particular cluster-context, it is a very strong signal that the Governor does not believe his statement. That is, he does not honestly believe that both parents working is the reason for mediocrity in American education.
What happened here is that he first tried to place the blame on both parents - here he was lying (because he thinks dads aren't guilty). However when he tells us that it's really the Moms' fault -while being truthful (from his belief) it was a bridge too far for political correctness ....
A moment later he realizes his big mistake and Gov. Bryant's face takes on a characteristic "mouth of fear" at the 0:28 mark in the video (below, second photo). He then momentarily suppresses it - only to have it re-emerge ("leak") and display it once again at 0:29 (third image below).
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2175: Mayor Bloomberg, Body Language, Hurricane Sandy and the NYC Marathon
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2176: James Carville's Body Language - Pennsylvania & Swing States
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2298: Kylie & Kendall Jenner Do NOT Like Kanye West Their Body Language Contradicts their Words - Spells another Split-up in Kim Kardashian's Future
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2033: Lie Detection, Sergey Lavrov and Syria
Facial MAP (Manipulator, Adaptor, Pacifier) indicative of anxiety-deception
First "Fear Mouth" (0:28) amplified by bilateral eyelid closure
Second "Mouth of Fear" at 0:29. This emotion leaks out for it was too strong for him to suppress it.