Today President Obama held a press conference during which he spoke primarily about the Nuclear Agreement reached yesterday with Iran. He did however also answer a question regarding Bill Cosby: ".... And lastly, would you revoke the Medal of Freedom for Bill Cosby?"
The President answered, ".... with respect to the Medal of Freedom, there is no precedent for revoking a medal. We don't have that mechanism. And as you know, I tend to make it a policy not to comment on the specifics of - of cases where there might still be, if not criminal, then civil issues involved.
At this exact moment (0:54), right after the President says the word "rape" - Mr. Obama displays an excellent yet subtle and very telling example of both disgust as well as contempt (This image was captured from an angle which affords a superior view to the above video).
The primary nonverbal signals of these emotions displayed here include a mild contraction of the "mustache area" and a flaring of the nostrils - more so on his left. There is also an asymmetric (again biased to the President's left) deepening of his nasalabial folds - along with a slight upward and lateral vectoring of the left corner of his mouth. In addition, the mild partial closing of his upper eyelids in this context is a contempt and disgust amplifier.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3246: Suicide Squad - What Makes Jared Leto's Joker so Frightening? Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3062: Phylicia Rashad interview regarding Bill Cosby - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3022: Bill Cosby's Decades-Long Trademark Look - What Does It Tell Us?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3019: Bill Cosby, Rape Allegations, AP Interview - Body Language Tells