Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2781: Julia-Louis Dreyfus, Rolling Stone and Flirting - Body Language of Attraction (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Julia Louis Dreyfus appears on the 24 April 2014 edition of "Rolling Stone". Among other things, she is shown with a portion of the U.S. Constitution penned in a temporary tattoo on her back.

The very accomplished and hilarious comedian and actor made a bit of a splash because she appears nude - but also because a copy of John Hancock's signature is on the small of her back. Of course, Hancock did not sign the Constitution - rather he signed the Declaration of Independence.

The nonverbal cluster that Rolling Stone chose for their cover is a particularly provocative pose which projects an abundance of sexual energy. Few men can resist this highly flirtatious body language configuration - which sends strong signals. The classic cluster - which is mostly, yet not fully expressed here includes: looking backwards over a raised shoulder with the head tilted down - so that the eyes gaze upward with a partial sincere (Duchenne) eye smile (not shown here) and a partially suppressed mouth smile (mild mixed with false surprise here).

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2780: Oscar Pistorius, Reeva SteenKamp and Prosecutor Gerrie Nel - Body Language

Romance & Dating Body Language Secret # 33:  Maria Menounos - Classically Flirtatious

Romance, Flirting & Dating  Nonverbal Communication Secret # 1752:  Wearing Red and Sexual Attraction  What are You Marketing?

Romance, Flirting & Dating Body Language Secret # 1893:  Nonverbal Communication of the Facial Platter

Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2422:  Amy Adams on Jimmy Kimmel -  Body Language, Flirting and Dating
