Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3054: Rory McIlroy laughs off "Sweet Caroline" tune (But Not Memories of Wozniacki) - Blushing, Smiling, Sincerity and Empathy (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Rory McIlroy recently spoke to a sideline reporter during the half-time interval at the Ulster vs. Connacht Rugby match on Boxing Day.

After Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" began playing over the public address system and the crowd enthusiastically joined in, we see the current World No. 1 Ranked Golfer display several sincere smiles as well as sincere laughter (although sometimes somewhat suppressed). He also looks down and blushes.

Blushing cannot be produced deliberately - it's entirely involuntary.

Of course in this context, Rory is somewhat embarrassed and many would say sheepish regarding the public referencing of his former fiancée and former World No. 1 Ranked Tennis Player, Caroline Wozniacki.

Blushing is always accompanied by a sincere smile (again, although sometimes these smiles are partially suppressed). Additionally, a person who blushes often and easily signals an overall personality that's sincere. People who blush easier also tend to have higher empathy quotients.

What other significant body language is seen here?

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3053: Giada De Laurentiis, Insincere Smiles and Divorce

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2827: Caroline Wozniacki and Rory McIlroy - She was the Alpha, He was the Beta

Sincerity Secret # 20: Fiero Feels Good, Caroline Wozniacki & Our Mirror Neurons

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2916: Rory McIlroy, the PGA Championship and Body Language of Self-Contempt

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2911: Beck Hammon Part II - Blushing & a High Sincerity Quotient

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2969: Maggie Q, David Letterman, Empathy and Sincerity Quotients - Body Language Tells

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2922: Evacuating Yazidis from Iraq's Mount Sinjar - A Daughter's Anguish, Empathy and Mirror Neurons
