Barack Obama visited Texas today to address the crisis at the border as well as the larger issue of overall immigration reform. President Obama met with Governor Rick Perry - since of course this problem puts a burden on the state he governs.
During the 1:54 - 1:56 segment in the above video (captured in images below), President Obama scratches five times behind his left ear (in such a scenario, people nearly always scratch/rub on the bony prominence there called the mastoid process) with his left index finger (forefinger). Many people falsely believe this signal as a nonverbal indicator of deception - yet it's not. However this behind the ear scratch is a very reliable indicator of anxiety.
As odd it may sound to some, scratching/rubbing/touching anywhere on the external ear itself (pinna) such as the earlobe or twisting a finger in the external ear canal (external auditory meatus) or just in front of or just below the ear in concert with a declarative statement or in when answering a question - is consistent with a lie. The President is not lying here though.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2878: Prince Fielder on ESPN Cover - Nude but What Emotion?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2848: Iliza Shlesinger, Hair Adjust Behind Ear, Dialing Up Your Alpha & Comedy - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2621: Matt Smith (11th Incarnation of 'Dr. Who'), Anxiety and American Psycho
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2647: Vladimir Putin regarding Edward Snowden, What Does the Russian Leader Think?
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2281: Inaugural Luncheon Anxiety Barack Obama's Body Language Michelle's Mirroring