The North Korean state-run Central News Agency released this image of Kim Jong-un earlier this week. The Supreme Leader of the country otherwise known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was attending a Military flight exercise in Pyongyang on 17 March.
Kim Jong-un is configured in body language MAP (Manipulator, Adaptor, Pacifier) which no leader of any country should adopt - let alone be photographed. The one-armed across the chest nonverbal is a slightly watered-down version vs. the two-armed version. It projects a beta, low confidence emotional tone. It both indicates as well as helps to reinforce anxiety. Thus he has a relatively low emotional comfort level in this moment - perhaps it is because he is being photographed smoking ... or maybe it's because the circa 1955 aircraft seen in the background is still in service.
What other nonverbal clues can be gleaned from this image?
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2672: Dennis Rodman, Kim Jong Un and the Finger-Point Hand-Chop, Body Language from North Korea
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2623: Kim Jong-un Impersonator - A Valuable Body Language Tell
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2364: Kim jong-un Tells a Lie to His Generals North Korea, Body Language and Third Rate Vetting
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2638: North Korean Senior Official Chang Song-taek (aka Jang Sung-thaek) Executed, Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2654: Carey Mulligan on Jimmy Kimmel - Body Language Part II
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2758: Barack Obama Regarding Further Sanctions to Russia for Annexation of Crimea - Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Analysis 2759: Vladimir Putin, Annexation of Crimea and Mouth Asymmetry - Body Language