This post is the second from Vladimir Putin's press conference earlier this week regarding the crisis in Ukraine. At multiple occasions during this video, the Russian President exhibited a unilateral eyebrow elevation. For example, in the image and moment highlighted below (0:54 seconds), this nonverbal indicates doubt and disbelief and contradicts his simultaneous definitive statement "... I am convinced that Ukrainian personnel and Russian personnel will not be on different sides ...". In addition his "Finger-Point Hand Chop" in same this cluster-context is also strongly consistent with deception.
Notice also the intriguing use of the double-negative: ".. will not be on different sides ...".
Mr. Putin routinely "leaks" a unilateral forehead and eyebrow elevation in disparity with his verbal statements. This body language sign is a common tell of dishonesty. Mr. Putin displays it much more often than he realizes. Of course, Vladimir does not have a monopoly on this nonverbal as plenty of American politicians show this body language on a daily basis.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2742: Vladimir Putin on the Crisis Ukraine - Thin Slicing Levels of Anger - Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2744: Oscar Pistorius, Reeva Steenkamp and Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2129: Barack Obama's Body Language, Misspeaks "Export More Jobs" Displays Incredulity and ....
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 1600: Senator Marco Rubio - Sincerity, Self-directed Incredulity & Humor, Blocking and Appeals for the Vice Presidency
Negotiation Secret # 335 & 353: Incredulous with Contempt Amanda Knox Redux
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 1907: Governor Rick Scott tells a Lie
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2644: Barry Hinson's Rant - (Southern Illinois Basketball Coach) Body Language Tells