In this image below and accompanying video, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is holding two-month-old Justin-Trudeau Adam Bilal. His parents, Afraa Hajj Hammoud and her husband Mohammed Belal are Syrian refugees. They named their son as a tribute to Trudeau.
"For me he is wonderful and compassionate," said Mr. Belal - "I hope all leaders, whether Easterners or Westerners would be like him."
Many smiles are not sincere - but rather various forms social smiles. But in the image below, the child's mother - Afraa Hajj Hammoud - is displaying all the components of a Sincere Smile (Duchenne Smile):
- Relaxed (uncontracted) forehead
- Partially closed eyelids
- Temporary concave-up furrows in each lower eyelid
- Upward vectored cheek muscles
- Only upper teeth visible
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Photo Credit: Adam Scotti
See also:
Body Language Analysis No. 4001: Jodie Whittaker, Dr. Who, and Flirting from a TARDIS
Body Language Analysis No. 3999: Donald Trump Jr., A Russian Lawyer, and Another Person in the Room
Body Language Analysis No. 3997: Donald Trump Jr., Natalia Veselnitskaya, and a Microexpression
Body Language Analysis No. 3995: Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron, and the G20 Group Photo
Body Language Analysis No. 3993: Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and subordinate Behavior
Body Language Analysis No. 3986: Anthony Kennedy, The Supreme Court, and Predicting Empathy
Body Language Analysis No. 3983: Female Kurdish sniper fighting IS narrowly cheats death
Body Language Analysis No. 3944: Dwayne Johnson, The 2020 Presidential Election, and The Rock Dialing Up His Alpha
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3909: North Korea's Parade - Projecting Power and Control