Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The comedian queried the Senator a boatload of random questions. Of course, there's always a smorgasbord of body language tells in such appearances, yet one in particular is highlighted here.
Beginning at 0:38, Kimmel asks Senator Cruz, "Who do you like better, Obama or Trump?".
Subsequently, during 0:41 - 0:42, Ted Cruz displays the "Underbite Lip Roll" with a concomitant suppressed smile.
This classic but rarely discussed facial expression cluster is very characteristic for the emotions accompanying the formulation of a diplomatic and tempered answer. Whenever you see this specific nonverbal display you can be sure the answer you'll be hearing will be highly diluted and mollified.
Thus the Underbite Lip Roll is one of many facial expressions made when there's a significant disparity between what is thought-felt and what is spoken.
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3514: Casting Rey - The Force Awakens Bonus Features - Daisy Ridley's Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3511: Ted Cruz Statement Regarding Allegations of Extramarital Affairs - Body Language and Statement Analysis
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3504: Raúl Castro Lifts Barack Obama's Arm at Press Conference - Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3498: Donald Trump Mocks Chris Christie when criticizing John Kasich
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3487: Scott Pelley to Hillary Clinton, "Have you always told the truth?"
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3501: Salah Abdeslam of Paris Attacks is Captured - Body Language Traits Shared by Terrorists
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3473: Adele's Tongue, Ellen DeGeneres and Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3127: Hillary Clinton's Press Conference and a Body Language Down-regulator of Sincerity