Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3722: The 2nd Presidential Debate - Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton - One Positive Thing They Respect about Each Other - Body Language and Emotional Intelligence (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

At the end of the second 2016 Presidential Debate, audience member and undecided voter Karl Becker, asked Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to "... name one positive thing that you respect in one another". The candidates' immediate facial expressions were profoundly telling. This exchange can be seen in the above video. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis.

This image was captured during the 12 second segment. Mr. Trump's nonverbal facial signals are indicative of his fear. This is particularly noticeable regarding his mouth. Note how the corners of Trump's mouth are pulled down and backward. The cluster of the flaring of his nostrils along with his mid-facial tension are also congruent with the emotion of fear.

Although the camera angle does not afford as much detail with regard to Secretary Clinton in this view, we can she's in the initial stages of sincere laughter. Notice how her torso, head and neck are rocked backward. In addition, her jaw is retracted (pulled in) as well. Both of these dynamics are telling signs of sincere laughter.

One-second later (during 0:13), Secretary Clinton turns toward the camera - allowing a better view of her expression. Her smile is sincere with all the required components of a relaxed forehead, eyelids partially closed, concave-up furrows in her lower eyelids, upward vectored cheek muscles and only her upper teeth visible.

Looking at Mr. Trump, we see that after a split second hiatus, his face has returned to a second expression of fear (although somewhat less dramatic that the first).

Mr. Trump then turned away from the camera, Secretary Clinton and Mr. Becker - further signaling his dislike for this question and Clinton. Simultaneously co-moderator Martha Raddatz asked, "Mr. Trump would you like to go first?". Clinton then glanced over at Trump, turned back and answered the question. 

The candidates' nonverbal responses indicate that Secretary Clinton anticipated this question - while it caught Mr. Trump off guard.

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3721: The 2nd Presidential Debate - Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton - The Handshake That Wasn't - Body Language and Emotional Intelligence

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3719: Donald Trump's "Apology" - Crisis Management, Body Language and Emotional Intelligence

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3717: Creepy Clowns, Body Language and Emotional Intelligence

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3715: Mike Pence Denies Saying Vladimir Putin is a Better Leader 

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3709: Kate Middleton - The face you make when you’re married to a prince but you meet Justin Trudeau

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3693: Grace VanderWaal Wins America's Got Talent Season 11

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3691: Natalie Portman's Emotional Tell

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3664: Benjamin Netanyahu, Viktor Yanukovych and Vladimir Putin
