Saturday, February 13, 2016

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3465: Hillary Clinton's Dominant Spider - Body Language (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

The video above includes Hillary Clinton's closing remarks from the most recent Democratic Presidential Debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Because her opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders, uses palm-down gestures with high frequency, Secretary Clinton has been coached to also use them more often (as well as those with palms-forward and closed-fists).

This image was captured from 1:04 from the video.

The particular palm-down illustrator shown here is called a "Dominant Spider".

Illustrators are nonverbal signals (which may or may not be involve the hands or arms) that illustrate, emphasize and metaphorically underline simultaneous (or nearly so) verbal and paralanguage communications. Palm down illustrators are, the vast majority of times, assertive and dominant and very often these even project hyper-dominant thought-emotions. As with most alpha body language - those who use them tend to over-use them. Thus what in small doses projects strong leadership and power - when used even slightly more frequently - will backfire and project arrogant and hyper-dominant motives. Many in the audience (even an audience of one) will feel patronized and condescension.

In a political environment, prior to the conventions, hyper-alpha nonverbals are used more considerably frequently. After the major political parties have chosen their representatives, candidates are then vying for the electorate in the center of the political spectrum. Therefore most of the time nonverbal signals become less aggressive and have more qualities which engender rapport in the four or five months prior to the election. Like many things existing in the real world, this is simple in concept. Most of the time, candidates default to their prior selves and will alienate a substantial percentage of those voters' allegiance they otherwise would have won.

It's important to keep note, this is a closing statement of a debate - and during such times, there is a slightly greater tolerance for nonverbal and other hyperbolic behavior. With this in mind, Mrs. Clinton still used alpha nonverbals a bit too much in both magnitude and frequency in these moments. And during most any other time these nonverbals would have been considerably more excessive.

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3464: Of Katie Holmes, Super Bowls, Smiles and Anxiety

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3460: Eli Manning Reacts to Bronco's Super Bowl Touchdown

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3456: Martin Shkreli Pleads the Fifth before Congress

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3454: Donald Trump - Buying the Farm after 2nd Place Finish in Iowa Caucuses 

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3424: Donald Trump, "Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama"

Romance, Marriage and Dating - Body Language Secret No. 609: Going from High Heels to Flats and then back to Heels 

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3264: Hillary Clinton, Likability, Perceived Trustworthiness and Body Language

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3258: Hillary Clinton speaks out on "inaccuracies" of private email controversy
