An Afghan refugee is shown here kissing his daughter. This image was captured just a few days ago on the Greek Island of Lesbos as they disembarked from their small boat.
Beyond the more obvious holding, hugging and kissing - a less appreciated, yet very strong nonverbal signal of affection is exampled in this moment. When a parent, a child, friend, lover, etc. touches their head to another person's head - particularly with their own eye (usually closed) or regions adjacent to it - affection is sincere.
This highly reliable body language signal of true affection is under-recognized by most. Moreover, those who display it more often also tend to have higher overall empathy quotients - not just with the person with whom they're interacting at that time - but with all people.
What other nonverbal sign seen in this photo conveys higher sincerity?
See also:
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3350: What happens when you Suddenly meet Heath Ledger
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2928: Oscar Pistorius, Hugging, Affection and Sincerity
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2701: Cuddling, Romance, Affection and Foot-Shunning - Body Language Tells
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2678: French President François Hollande, Valerie Trierweiler and Julie Gayet - Of Affairs, Affection and Body Language Tells