Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett give each other a "High Five" in last night's game as Brandon Bass looks on. The Boston Celtics went on to beat the Philadelphia 76ers in the seventh game of the series to advance to the Eastern conference finals against the Miami Heat. The origin of the "High Five" nonverbal dates back to the final game of the regular season in 1977 when Los Angeles Dodger Dusty Baker hit his 30th home run off of Houston's J.R. Richard. His team mate, Glenn Burke ran up to congratulate him and lifted his hand high in the air. Baker did the same with his and met Burke's in a slap - and the high five was born. Most, but not all, body language in which the arms & hands are lifted high, particularly suddenly - are signals positive emotions.
See also:
Body Language at the FIFA World Cup - Fiero After Accomplishment
Secret # 1511: Hands Held High, Fiero & Oosthuizen - An Albatross at the Masters
Fiero after Accomplishment