This is Stephen Harper. He is the current Prime Minister of Canada. His hands are clasped in what some refer to as "Genital Guarding" or "The Fig-leaf" position. It is consistent with a low confidence emotional state and in some contexts, it can be a sign of deference or respect. With very few exceptions a head-of-state should never strike this pose. If perhaps he's/she's being photographed next to a major religious figure such as the Pope or the Dalai Lama, then it's okay, and even expected. When attending a funeral, or perhaps once he becomes a "Former Head of State" and he appears next to a current sitting president, prime minister - then it's also acceptable and not viewed as weak. Otherwise, he's projecting weakness where he should not be. When you're a leader or head of state, you must look the part. Mr. Harper and others may be surprised to discover, that assuming such a pose will make one feel less confident - and the opposite is just as true.