The Republican U.S. House of Representative leaders have said they will not pass a budget and will thus threaten a government shut-down unless the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare") is repealed. This of course angered the President Obama. The above video is heavily laden with body language examples and Mr. Obama's anger display is but one of many.
Note: The original video has, since the original post, been removed from its online source. The images below however, were captured from this video.
Note: The original video has, since the original post, been removed from its online source. The images below however, were captured from this video.
The President is far better than most and disguising or at least minimizing his outward displays of negative emotions. This example is relatively short in duration but too long to be classified as a microexpression. For just a shade less than 2 seconds - between 3:39 - 3:40, the President's Jaw Juts forward in this classic display of anger.
Did you see the other subtle yet telling nonverbal signals displayed simultaneously which also act to strengthen this nonverbal cluster of anger?
See also:
Negotiation Secret # 47: Pete Carroll, Jaw Jut and Mid-face Tightening
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2039: Fight Outside Florida Courtroom - Jaw Jut Prior to Violence
Negotiation Body Language Secret # 757: Asma's Mild Jaw Jut
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2492: Jared Remy Arrested for Murder of His Girlfriend - Three Jaw Signals in a Cluster, Thee Body Language Meanings
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2514: Anthony Weiner's Confrontation - Contrasting and Controlling Anger Body Language in a Brooklyn Bakery
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2515: Eliot Spitzer vs. Scott Stringer - Insincere Smile with Anger Component - Body Language and the NYC Comptroller Race
Nonverbal Communication Analysis # 2190: President Obama's Body Language - Press Conference 14 October 2012 - Defense of Ambassador Susan Rice
Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 2512: Matthew Cordle's YouTube Confession and the Death of Vincent Canzani "I Killed a Man" - What His Body Language Tells Us ... It's NOT what you think!