Sunday, February 19, 2017

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3853: Tom Hiddleston, a School Play and Eddie Redmayne - Body Language and Emotional Intelligence (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

It seems that once upon a time, Tom Hiddleston and Eddie Redmayne were in a school play together. In this video, Hiddleston recounts the childhood experience.

Although we often tend to think of them as 'good liars' - for we want them to suspend our disbelief - when they are not 'in character' (when they are 'in their own skin') actors are no better at fooling us than the average person.

In the first few seconds of the above video, Hiddleston develops anxiety when Graham Norton brings up the subject of the school play. Tom rapidly becomes embarrassed - evidenced by his blushing (easy to see despite the orange-red background) and a sincere smile - albeit a suppressed one.

In this image captured above Hiddleston displays relaxed forehead muscles, partially closed eyelids, lower eyelids with concave-up dynamic furrows, upward vectored and contracting cheek muscles. And yet none of his teeth are on display, for his lips are tighten while he tries not to laugh (or fully smile).

Hiddleston is also reaching for his nose.

The most common cause for touching of one's face is anxiety (regardless of its degree or the specific cause) - and the vast majority of times (98+%), we are not even aware we're doing so.

While the touching of the nose may be correlated with deception - this is not true for all hand-to-nose contact. When the nose is pulled or pinched between the thumb and forefinger (index finger) it too indicates anxiety - but more specifically it signals a 'dialing up of alpha qualities'. The psyche recognizes the need for an up-regulation to stronger, more assertive qualities - and the action of this MAP (Manipulator, Adaptor, Pacifier) helps us to do so. It's analogous to a slap in the face or a splash of cold water causing one's emotions to be 'jump started' and thus redirected.

The nose pinch/nose pull is but one many examples of alpha up-regulators. What others can you name?

See also:

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3852: Donald Trump's Impromptu Press Conference - Part II - "Are they friends of yours?"

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3850: Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump and Michael Flynn - Press Conference

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3848: Donald Trump's and Justin Trudeau's Handshake

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3836: President Trump nominates Judge Neil Gorsuch for The Supreme Court

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3821: Alicia Keys Sings for Charlie Rose - Sincerity Amplifiers

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3510: Lindsey Graham - The Senator Picks His Poison: Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3485: Chris Christie's Facial Expressions standing behind Donald Trump - Bad Body Language on Super Tuesday

Nonverbal Communication Analysis No. 3451: Angelique Kerber defeats Serena Williams in Australian Open
