Thursday, July 18, 2024

Body Language and Behavior Analysis No. 4755: Nikki Haley's endorsement of Donald Trump – and his reaction – Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence


No doubt you've heard – last night, at the Republican National Convention, Nikki Haley endorsed Donald Trump. What follows is a Body Language Analysis of a crucial portion of her speech.

In the video above, we see Nikki Haley saying, "I'll start by making one thing perfectly clear – Donald Trump has my strong endorsement period."

Notice as she says, " strong endorsement period" (and for about a second thereafter), Haley is shaking her head side-to-side – the (nearly world-wide) signal for 'No' or 'I disagree'.


Haley's nonverbal display is directly contradictory to her words.

Whenever the body language disagrees with the verbal language – it's the body language that tells the true thought-emotions.

Now note Trump's reaction. He immediately displays a contempt expression.

The contempt is on the left side (his left) of his face. His eyelids, partially closed – while not a required component of a contempt display, this partial lid closure in this context is a contempt amplifier.

Followed shortly thereafter by a Tight Tongue Jut (signaling disgust, disdain, repulsion).

He then looks down and to his right, the quadrant of gaze toward which people most often look during moments of deception.

SUMMARY:  Nikki Haley lied when she said "I'll start by making one thing perfectly clear – Donald Trump has my strong endorsement period".
Moreover, Donald Trump feels contempt, disdain, disgust, and repulsion toward Haley. In addition, Trump believes Haley lied. 

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