Konnie Huq (a British television presenter best known for hosting "Peter Blue" and "The Xtra Factor") displays one example in this image of a patronizing facial expression. Her central (medial) forehead, although difficult to see, is contracted and elevated; and her central eyebrows are also elevated and drawn together. This forehead/eyebrow combination of findings is very often seen when there is considerable psychological "pain" and has to be present if there is moderate to severe physical pain. But when seen with a concomitant mouth expression of a smile/social smile - this is a very patronizing expression. It can also be seen when there are contemptuous-incredulous feelings present. It is a very common expression among television announcers and pundits. It's unfortunately also extremely commonly displayed by physicians and attorneys - and to their detriment, essentially none of them know they are projecting this emotion. It's as if they have "I am arrogant" painted on their faces.
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Monday, April 4, 2011
Negotiation Secret # 92: A Patronizing Face
Konnie Huq (a British television presenter best known for hosting "Peter Blue" and "The Xtra Factor") displays one example in this image of a patronizing facial expression. Her central (medial) forehead, although difficult to see, is contracted and elevated; and her central eyebrows are also elevated and drawn together. This forehead/eyebrow combination of findings is very often seen when there is considerable psychological "pain" and has to be present if there is moderate to severe physical pain. But when seen with a concomitant mouth expression of a smile/social smile - this is a very patronizing expression. It can also be seen when there are contemptuous-incredulous feelings present. It is a very common expression among television announcers and pundits. It's unfortunately also extremely commonly displayed by physicians and attorneys - and to their detriment, essentially none of them know they are projecting this emotion. It's as if they have "I am arrogant" painted on their faces.